Hello I am a newbie nVidea CMP 170HX - not sure where to post - searched CMP 170HX - nothing found


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Jun 26, 2024
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Hello I just joined Linux.org - thank you. Here is my question(s) I found that there is an nVidea card, s CMP 170HX which was what I will describe as a very expensive single use crypto mining card - no info on nVidea web site about it, and nothing on linux.org by search, I found a YouTube video describing it here

but I have also found the price has really dropped in secondary markets and wondered what would it take to program and flash a vBIOS that could make it so general programs could run software FAST - it seems there can be no video output since the 'silicon fuses' have been blown and only PCI communication seems to be available - and Linux is used as OS.

Thank you for any insight and advice, or opinions and certainly advice is valued, basically what can 'unlock' its computational potential for programs?

no info on nVidea web site about it
Welcome to the forums, if you understand tech spec's you will find them here

Thank you very much - it seems that there is no 'output' from this card in the normal sense of a GPU, so CMP Crypto Mining Processor - seems to mean that nothing other than the specific crypto code can be done on it, it appears - this is why I wanted to understand what it would take to use it in a GPU sense not CMP use.

but now that I have looked more into tech specs - the GeForce RTX 4090 card at a very modest price far outpaces it and is Direct X 12 super compatible - superior price and performance vs trying to 'upgrade' CMP 170HX to do this.
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It has been designed for one job and one job only, it doesn't have the codecs used in everyday computing graphics, just mining. You would probably do better looking for a second hand [or if cash is available the latest Vega card ],https://technical.city/en/video/Radeon-RX-Vega-64

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