Help sought with BSPWM.

Discordia 1408

New Member
Jul 17, 2019
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Hey, I was just wondering if I could maybe get some help with BSPWN. I followed this guide to the T (or at least I hope so), I was really getting into the groove, and booted back up. Everything is looking great, obviously the tiling manager is working. All the sudden I notice something, I can't close the windows. I can open new ones up, but aside from exiting them through secondary means, there is no longer any X on the corner of the windows. Not a problem I thought, there is probably a shortcut for that. I'll just hit up the config files and everything will be al- As soon as I try to make a change to the config files, well please see attached photo. I'm not sure if it's just me or if I'll have to join in the Area 51 raid to get myself a translator. This was true for every program I installed via the guide. I'm thinking maybe I copied over the wrong files? Any help would be a godsend. Thanks!

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I forgot to put in the most relevant info, I'm currently on a new clean install of the latest Xubuntu version.
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All the sudden I notice something, I can't close the windows. I can open new ones up, but aside from exiting them through secondary means, there is no longer any X on the corner of the windows. Not a problem I thought, there is probably a shortcut for that.
I'm not familiar with the app, bspwn. But your screenshot looks to me like you are trying to open bspwn (which is probably a binary executable file) with LibreOffice Writer. If bspwn is an app that you have to launch, you'll need to do that from the Menu or many apps also launch from the terminal (especially if it needs sudo to make it run).

Anyway... try CTRL-Q to close open Linux windows. It's the best generic shortcut that I know of. You may need to click on the title bar of the window you want to close first so it has "focus."

I'm not familiar with the app, bspwn. But your screenshot looks to me like you are trying to open bspwn (which is probably a binary executable file) with LibreOffice Writer. If bspwn is an app that you have to launch, you'll need to do that from the Menu or many apps also launch from the terminal (especially if it needs sudo to make it run).

Anyway... try CTRL-Q to close open Linux windows. It's the best generic shortcut that I know of. You may need to click on the title bar of the window you want to close first so it has "focus."

Okay, I might be speaking a bit too early, but I think that's it! The files I have are the executable not the config. Unfortunately that leaves me at an impasse, do I make my own config files?
Again, I'm not familiar with this, but I see now that it is bspwm, not bspwn (I corrected the thread Title). It looks pretty cool in a YouTube video I just spotted. This link gives a bit of info, but maybe not enough. It does mention copying some files that, I think, is an effort to give a default config, depending on whether you are using a Display Manager or not. (That is, with Xubuntu, you DO have a Display Manager.) If this file-copy doesn't make it work, you may need to create your own config file... but I'd guess you need to search for an example unless something is already included with the app.

[EDIT: Corrected thread Title to BSPWM.]
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Hmmm, an extra word of caution may be good right now. Before copying and replacing a file, be sure to make a backup copy of that file first, in case things go badly. Stuff happens! (Or something like that!)

