Hi Anyone tried using linux on Acer Aspire 3 a315-59-71HF?

I usually try Ethernet, Wireless, Sound first ... if I cannot make these (or whatever ordered) work, I don't install.:)
Between MX, Antix and Puppies I never fail to have a working PC for me or my friends.
But I mostly revived antics.
I usually try Ethernet, Wireless, Sound first ... if I cannot make these (or whatever ordered) work, I don't install
this is from my how to guide
""When the live instance of your chosen distro has loaded, your desktop will appear. Now is the time to ensure everything works okay, such as Wi-Fi, sound, and graphics. The easiest way to do this is click on the wireless icon to find your router and enter the password. When you’re connected, go to your favourite music video site and pick something you are familiar with. If the video plays okay, the picture looks good, and the sound works, you can then decide if you wish to continue the installation""
