How to fix incompatibility

I've never heard of cashcoin miner before and it doesn't appear to be in the repos on my laptop (running Debian Testing). How did you install Cashcoin miner? Was it from the Mint repos? or did you get it from somewhere else on the internet?

If you got it from the mint repos, then this should fix the whole thing:
sudo apt install -f

If not, then you need to manually install boost-system 1.54 and libqrencode.

But the only thing is v1.54 of boost is quite old (which is why I'm guessing you probably installed this cashcoin thing from somewhere else). On Debian Testing only v1.62 and 1.63 of boost are available. I'd imagine that Mint probably won't have it in their repos either.

You could check to see if v1.54 is available by opening a terminal and running the command
apt-cache search libboost-system | grep 1.54

If boost 1.54 IS AVAILABLE in the Mint repos, then you could use the command:
sudo apt install libboost-system-1.54.x
- NOTE: Substitute x for whatever the point release is in Mint for boost 1.54 - see the output of the previous "apt-cache search" command to see the point release version number. It might be 1.54.0 or 1.54.1 or something.

If v1.54 of libboost is UNAVAILABLE - as a workaround: you could try installing a newer version of libboost-system and then create a symlink to fool the system into thinking that v1.54 is installed.
To do this:
1. Install libboost: (on my machine the following command - you may need to alter the version numbers to match whatever Mint have in their repos)
sudo apt install libboost-system1.63.0

2. Find out where libboost-system has been installed to:
locate libboost_system*.so

On my machine, it lists the following:
jason@Midian:/$ locate

3. Finally, we create a symlink to the installed boost library (again, this is on my machine. Use the output from the previous step to use whatever your system specifies):
sudo ln -s -T /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

What this does is create a soft symbolic-link called which points to the latest version of ilbboost_system. Any applications which require v1.54 of libboost-system will find the sym-link and be fooled into using the latest version of boost-system.

Now I must warn you - this is not an ideal fix, because it is possible that certain functions in boost 1.54 might not be compatible with (or available in) the latest version. So it could cause the program to be unstable, or crash. But at the same time, it MIGHT just work. I've successfully used this trick in the past to get some older programs to work, when old versions of libraries are unavailable in the repos.

One I remember offhand was zdoom (an old open-source doom clone), which required an older version of a sound library (called libasound), which was no longer available from anywhere. So I just installed the latest version of libasound and created a symlink that had the name of the old version of asound (required by zdoom) and pointed it to the new library. And that fixed that problem. zdoom ran like a charm.
But there have been instances where this trick has not worked and I've had to find other ways to fix the problem.. Swings and roundabouts!

However, the best fix would be to build and install boost 1.54 from source if it is unavailable in the repos. But I'm not going to go into that right now unless you need me to.

As for libqrencode - that SHOULD be available in the repos.
You should be able to install that using:
sudo apt install libqrencode3

I hope this is of some help to you!

EDIT - One final option might be to contact the developers of cashcoin miner and see if they have any more up to date builds - built for newer distros.
Last edited:
> apt-cache search libboost-system | grep 1.54
libboost-system1.54-dev - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
libboost-system1.54.0 - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library

> sudo apt install libboost-system-1.54.0
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libboost-system-1.54.0
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libboost-system-1.54.0'

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