Detailed post:
If you like to keep multiple terminals open for different purposes and you wanted a way to keep the command history for each of them, and keep them separate:
Here is the relevant part of my
With this setup, whenever we open a terminal it either creates or reuses a history file based on its
If you like to keep multiple terminals open for different purposes and you wanted a way to keep the command history for each of them, and keep them separate:
Here is the relevant part of my
# Create a directory for history files if needed.
mkdir -p ${HISTDIR}
# Create a separate history file for each tty.
export HISTFILE="${HISTDIR}/tty`tty|cut -c10-`.hist"
# Append to history rather than overwrite it
shopt -s histappend
# These are personal preferences,
# not needed for multiple history files
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
export HISTSIZE=1000
export HISTFILESIZE=1000
# A creature comfort to remind ourselves that
# we're saving to non default history files
echo "History file: ${HISTFILE}"
With this setup, whenever we open a terminal it either creates or reuses a history file based on its
identity allowing us multiple histories for different terminals that persist across us closing and opening terminals.