How to set up wireguard to be connected to QEMU/KVM VM via WI-FI


New Member
Oct 18, 2023
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How can i setup the wireguard vpn (HOST) to be connected to the (Virtual Machine) im on device wlp2s0 (Wireless) i did hear that you cant use the brctl commands to bridge the wireguard interface to the bridge br0 i also tried the brctl commands it didnt work

is there any way to connect my wireguard vpn (Host) to the (Virtual Machine) in a secure way

Install WireGuard:
Ensure that WireGuard is installed on both your host and virtual machine. You can install it using your package manager:

# On Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install wireguard-tools

# On CentOS/Fedora
sudo dnf install wireguard-tools
 **Generate Key Pairs:**
   You need to generate key pairs for both the host and the virtual machine. Run the following commands on both machines:

   wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

This will generate a private key and its corresponding public key. Make sure to keep the private key secure.

Configure the Host:
Create a WireGuard configuration file on your host machine. Let's assume the name is wg0-host.conf. You can use a text editor to create this file:

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0-host.conf
   Here's a sample configuration file:

   Address =
   PrivateKey = <Host Private Key>
   ListenPort = 51820

   PublicKey = <Virtual Machine Public Key>
   AllowedIPs =
   Endpoint = <Virtual Machine's Public IP>:51820
Replace <Host Private Key> and <Virtual Machine Public Key> with the keys generated in step 2.

Configure the Virtual Machine:
Create a WireGuard configuration file on your virtual machine. Let's assume the name is wg0-vm.conf. You can use a text editor to create this file:

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0-vm.conf
   Here's a sample configuration file:

   Address =
   PrivateKey = <Virtual Machine Private Key>
   ListenPort = 51820

   PublicKey = <Host Public Key>
   AllowedIPs =
   Endpoint = <Host's Public IP>:51820

Replace <Virtual Machine Private Key> and <Host Public Key> with the keys generated in step 2.

Enable and Start WireGuard:
On both the host and virtual machine, enable and start the WireGuard service:

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0-host # On the host
sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0-host

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0-vm # On the virtual machine
sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0-vm

IP Forwarding and Firewall Rules:
You might need to enable IP forwarding on the host machine, depending on your network configuration. Also, ensure that your firewall settings allow traffic through the WireGuard interface.

Test the Connection:
You should now be able to connect to your virtual machine from the host and vice versa using the assigned IP addresses in the WireGuard configuration.
A brief intro to Wireguard, for those who use a vpn, but have no knowledge of Wireguard

alright i got the wireguard-tools installed typed in

wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

where can i see where the private and public keys got generated in
i found the public key on my vpn client i just need the private key
about the wg0-conf for vm file Endpoint = <Host's Public IP>:51820

for the public ip the ip changes when i switch servers is there a way i can automatically get it to switch the host public ip instead of manually doing it
