How to View Php and server error logs?



I am getting the WSOD now since editing settings.php; php.ini and .htaccess trying to update my site that is wisheschoiceand I need to see error logs to find out what is happening.

Also how do you clear cache in command line?

Any help appreciated although haven't had much lately I have to admit.

What flavor of Linux are you using?
What version of PHP are you using?
Have you tried whereis PHP in your terminal to find where your PHP is you may be able to find your logs that way. I am a NODE.JS guy I have not touched PHP in 10 years so I don't know.

What are you trying to clear when you ask 'clear cache in command line? I did a quick search and found heaps of replies but can't help you without knowing more
Check /var/log
or /usr/local/apache
according to your distro

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