HP Envy x360 Linux Dualboot wifi problems


Colin Seguin

I haven't tried in a while because I got so frustrated I just quit but I got a book on the command line and want to work on it using my actual laptop dualbooted, but I've tried both Kali Linux and Debian Linux and whenever I get them installed and dualbooted, I try switching the internet on and it immediately turns off. Could it be my Wifi card just isn't supported by any linux distros? And no by the way don't suggest me getting an ethernet cord and plugging into my ethernet, I have my ethernet downstairs and my parents will not let me move that. Thanks

OK, no ethernet cable. But you might try a different WiFi adaptor... a cheap dongle that plugs into a USB port. Just one thought.

Another thought is that Kali is also Debian based, so your trouble may be there. I just found an article describing a similar problem with Arch Linux. The problem related to systemd, which is also used by Debian/Kali. Read through this and see if it might apply to you also... maybe it will help: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=151985

Ubuntu is also Debian based and also uses systemd, but I wonder if trying it (or one of the Ubuntu derivatives) might make your WiFi work correctly. Or especially to try another distro totally removed from Debian, like Fedora, Manjaro, Slackware (or one of its live respins), or openSUSE. Some of these also use systemd though. Slackware does not. Manjaro OpenRC is a special edition that excludes systemd. And Devuan is a Debian fork without systemd.

And maybe @arochester's request for more info will lead you to a solution with what you are currently running. Good luck!

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