IaaS Provider Rant Thread. Complain about your most hated IaaS providers here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
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Whats worse. Drowning or AWS. I think I'd rather drown right now.

I've wasted 1.5 hours to create a debian stable instance in ec2 and it is still not reachable by SSH. Security Group is wide open. Auto-assign public IP and using elastic IP doesn't work. Cloning an instance that works doesn't work.

Its hard to suck more than google cloud, but AWS is really trying.

And yes, terraform. I have a terraform file that is about 1.5 years old. Workflow of adding new instances:

1) edit terraform main.tf file
2) terraform apply
3) fix errors of module
4) fix some more errors
5) upgrade module
6) fix errors of module
7) fix some more errors
8) syntax changed
9) fix some more errors
10) works now. Tells me "oh you added two servers. Let me delete literally all servers in your VPC in order to create those two new servers".

So I'm creating them manually. Each instance takes about 3-5 minutes to "initialize". Initialize WHAT?? Cloning and image, resizing it to 100 GB and running resize2fs takes 5 minutes??!?? Funny, cause I can do that in about 3 seconds. And so can every other hoster (oh yes, except google cloud).

How on EARTH can anyone use that in production.

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