Icons and Small size - Fonts


New Member
Oct 22, 2023
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I am using URXVT and I have a problem with nvim and the terminal.
When I make the font size 13 higher, the icons and symbols appear on the screen, however when I reduce the font to size 8 (which I prefer to use) the icons and symbols disappear and remain a square in place.
I was using the FiraCode font, but I had to switch to the JetBrainsMono font for the sake of using Neovim with NVCHAD ( ).
How can I resolve this? leave the font size 8 and with all the icons showing.

Below Urxvt terminal font config line
URxvt.font: xft:FiraCode\ Nerd\ Font\ Mono:style=Retina:size=8,xft:Symbols\ Nerd\ Font\ Mono:syle=2048-em:size=8

I changed it to:
URxvt.font: xft:JetBrainsMono\ Nerd\ Font:size=8,xft:Symbols\ Nerd\ Font\ Mono:syle=2048-em:size=8

Attached is an image of what the TERMINAL and NVIM look like.


  • FONTES Nvim e Terminal.png
    FONTES Nvim e Terminal.png
    28.9 KB · Views: 105

"8", huh? Sheesh. You must be a youngster with 20/20 perfect vision! When ya get to be an old fart like me in their 60s - moreover, one who's been wearing specs for nearly his whole life, AND got cataracts developing, too - then ya need at least 18, if not 20 to make it so's you can even see stuff....


Mike. ;)
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