Hello! Does someone know what Distro this is?
(P.S. : Please delete/move if not in the right section. Sorry)
(P.S. : Please delete/move if not in the right section. Sorry)
My guess is either Ubuntu or elementary OS. Its hard to tell when you have the entire desktop covered up with the open program.
The image you attached is named "openshot-free-video-editor-on-ubuntu.jpg" ... so doesn't that answer your own question?
Oh... I didn't see the name in the link. Thanks! And sorry for wasting your time. Have a great day!My guess is either Ubuntu or elementary OS. Its hard to tell when you have the entire desktop covered up with the open program.
The image you attached is named "openshot-free-video-editor-on-ubuntu.jpg" ... so doesn't that answer your own question?
Oh... I didn't see the name in the link. Thanks! And sorry for wasting your time. Have a great day!![]()
uname -a