Installation issue

An orphaned inode is a file that is “semi-deleted”: it has no more directory entry, but it's still open in some process, so the data is still present on the disk. When the last process that has this file open closes it, the file will be fully deleted and the orphaned inode will disappear.

In short, one of two things has happened: Either you've run into a kernel bug, or much more likely, some filesystem corruption happened one of the previous times you remounted the filesystem read only. Which is probably why the system thinks something is still using the filesystem when there isn't.

you should be able to use e2fsck to clean up orphaned inodes:

e2fsck -f
- you may need to use sudo

if the system is set to check the filesystem occasionally at boot (i think ubuntu usually is), you may see that last line every now and again. if you are seeing all of that every time you boot, that might indicate a bigger issue.
An orphaned inode is a file that is “semi-deleted”: it has no more directory entry, but it's still open in some process, so the data is still present on the disk. When the last process that has this file open closes it, the file will be fully deleted and the orphaned inode will disappear.

In short, one of two things has happened: Either you've run into a kernel bug, or much more likely, some filesystem corruption happened one of the previous times you remounted the filesystem read only. Which is probably why the system thinks something is still using the filesystem when there isn't.

you should be able to use e2fsck to clean up orphaned inodes:

e2fsck -f
- you may need to use sudo
Thanks a lot for this. I did the e2fsck -f and also just to be sure I also did e2fsck -p. I am not getting a list of orphaned inodes anymore, but I am still getting the blocks line, as it was.
if the system is set to check the filesystem occasionally at boot (i think ubuntu usually is), you may see that last line every now and again. if you are seeing all of that every time you boot, that might indicate a bigger issue.
It actually comes up every time. Just to check I have tried even restarting and shutting down separately on separate occasions and yet I see that line. Any ideas on what may the issue be here?
i see the same on an ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine so it looks like i gave you bad info about the frequency. it looks like that check does run at every boot. my apologies for that. without the other messages about the journal or orphaned inodes, it seems like your system should be in good working order.
i see the same on an ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine so it looks like i gave you bad info about the frequency. it looks like that check does run at every boot. my apologies for that. without the other messages about the journal or orphaned inodes, it seems like your system should be in good working order.
Sounds great. Thanks a lot for your clarification!

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