New Member
I am trying to install the icloudpd tool and when I check the status it says it is good
~/icloud_photos_downloader (master)> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
In the readme file it says to use the command
icloudpd --help
when I do this it says:
icloudpd: command not found
I don't know how to use the icloudpd command?
First I ran
git clone ... loader.git
the readme says:
"Install and Run
There are three ways to run icloudpd:
1. Download executable for your platform from the Github Releases and run it
2. Use package manager to install, update, and, in some cases, run (Docker, PyPI, AUR, Experimental: Npm)
3. Build and run from the source"
Everything went good and put the repository on my machine. I can't figure out what to do next. I think I am supposed to cd into where the repository was added and run a make command or something to fully install the tool?
Here is the output:
kl@macmode ~> cd Documents/clones
kl@macmode ~/D/clones> ls
kl@macmode ~/D/clones> make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
kl@macmode ~/D/clones [2]>
~/icloud_photos_downloader (master)> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
In the readme file it says to use the command
icloudpd --help
when I do this it says:
icloudpd: command not found
I don't know how to use the icloudpd command?
First I ran
git clone ... loader.git
the readme says:
"Install and Run
There are three ways to run icloudpd:
1. Download executable for your platform from the Github Releases and run it
2. Use package manager to install, update, and, in some cases, run (Docker, PyPI, AUR, Experimental: Npm)
3. Build and run from the source"
Everything went good and put the repository on my machine. I can't figure out what to do next. I think I am supposed to cd into where the repository was added and run a make command or something to fully install the tool?
Here is the output:
kl@macmode ~> cd Documents/clones
kl@macmode ~/D/clones> ls
kl@macmode ~/D/clones> make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
kl@macmode ~/D/clones [2]>