Is there a better alternative to ZIM?


Active Member
May 24, 2022
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I've been using Zim for a few year to keep all my notes, etc. I've got a mountain of stuff saved. I am always rearranging and trying new ways of organizing my notes for easier and better searching. But I still end up with more clutter than I hope for. I love Zim but often wonder if anyone has found a alternative to Zim that may offer different storage and search options?

I love Zim but often wonder if anyone has found a alternative to Zim that may offer different storage and search options?

I just said to heck with it and started a website. At least it's then online and searchable. I refer to the site far more than most folks do, 'cause it contains information from my own notes and I can't possibly rembmeber everything.
Depending upon what your criteria are for "better"...

I tried zim a long time ago and it didn't really fit my use case.

Then I sat down and wrote my own application in shell script to meet my own requirements and preferences. Fundamentally, it's a way to organize a stack of post-it notes (each entered into a text file), with searching and encryption functionality.

Unlike the actual post-it notes that prompted the whole project, text files can hold as much content as you care to put into them so I use it for a ton of different things like:

  • general bits and pieces of information
  • contact info (sometimes with extra details)
  • journal entries
  • code snippets
  • recipes
  • master password list (hence the encryption option)
  • maintenance records
This makes an enjoyable project in scripting, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

@KGIII : While I didn't exactly make a web site out of it, I did write some CGI so I could access it in a browser (and so, from my smartphone), but only on the local net. The CGI script only does plain text searches - no decryption and no data entry/editing.

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