Is There Any Way To Network In C.....? :(



I was wondering how to do this, and saw some things with TCP/IP, and some Professor from India who made a Tutorial with C and Networking, with his Ubuntu Machine..... I know it's possible, but how should I go about this.....? :) I appreciate any help, guys..... :3 Also, today is... ... ... My BIRTHDAY!!..... :3 Mom made a Cake, and it AIN'T no lie!!..... :D Also, I was born the year that some College dude made an Operating System..... I wonder what ever became of it.....? ;) Too bad I didn't sleep..... I'm in no mood to go to Church now..... :( So I'll just continue readin' about Networks....... :3

Happy Birthday! I hope you get more than just a cake today!

As for Networking, have you looked into doing this with Python? I think this might be a better fit for you.

Happy Birthday! I hope you get more than just a cake today!

As for Networking, have you looked into doing this with Python? I think this might be a better fit for you.


Thank you, Mr. Penguin!..... :3 Also, I was just curious about if it were possible 'n stuff..... :3 I DO plan to learn Networking in Python, but, when I eventually, when I build my own Linux Distro, I'll likely need to use C to setup Networking 'n stuff..... :D
For networking, you need to take a look at sockets.

As a great introduction to sockets in C, there is the classic 'Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Using Internet Sockets':

But you will need to be fairly proficient/confident with C.

There are also some great tutorials out there that deal with using sockets in Python. Like this one on IBM Developerworks:

The code is targeted at python 2.4, but it should work on later versions of python 2.x.
To get the example code working on Python 3.x, you might have to make a few minor modifications, but I haven't really looked too hard at the code in the tutorial or tested it. It just looks like a good tutorial! :)

Oh, and belated birthmas wishes for yesterday!
For networking, you need to take a look at sockets.

As a great introduction to sockets in C, there is the classic 'Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Using Internet Sockets':

But you will need to be fairly proficient/confident with C.

There are also some great tutorials out there that deal with using sockets in Python. Like this one on IBM Developerworks:

The code is targeted at python 2.4, but it should work on later versions of python 2.x.
To get the example code working on Python 3.x, you might have to make a few minor modifications, but I haven't really looked too hard at the code in the tutorial or tested it. It just looks like a good tutorial! :)

Oh, and belated birthmas wishes for yesterday!
Thank you, good sir!..... :) I downloaded the PDF for C, and I'll look at the Site for Python, too..... :3 It shouldn't be too hard to translate it to 3.x..... :D (Unless, like Wifite, it uses Modules that aren't available in 3.x..... o_O) Also, thank you for the Birthmas Wish!!..... :3
I have a C programming tutorial in Linux which shows how to do TCP/IP socket programming. Here is the link.
