Solved Issue with Flatpak update

Solved issue


Mar 10, 2022
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Hey all,

I was updating my Flatpaks and I'm having this issue with the GNOME runtime:


I did some research and it seems this is a known bug, but it's a little too technical for me to wrap my head around -

This is the output of my /var/lib/flatpak/repo/config file:


I tried changing gpg-verify=true and gpg-verify-summary=true to false, but that only changed the error to this:

Error 2.png

I'm a bit stuck where to go next - I'm thinking I'd either completely uninstall all my Flatpaks (not my ideal solution), or figure out how to configure my system to accept the non-GPG verified update? Any help is appreciated, cheers :)
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The operative word there would appear to 'untrusted' ....has it given any clue which flatpak/app is untrusted ?

eg....I get this:
E: The repository ' virginia Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.

mullvad still works quite well so I choose to ignore that error

Usually all flatpaks will update via the update manager.

I tried changing gpg-verify=true and gpg-verify-summary=true to false, but that only changed the error to this:
Make sure you have a Timeshift snapshot in place before making any changes.....

What happens if you run ......copy and paste the whole thing to terminal and hit enter, then your password

sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -y autoremove
Did you install a flatpak recently?...
I've just installed a heap of flatpaks but through the Update there's never a problem.
sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -y autoremove

I tried this, no luck. I haven't installed any Flatpaks recently and all I have installed are Signal and Flatseal.

I get the same issue through the GUI software application. Any other ideas or will I just need to try a full re-install?
You installed both signal and flatseal from the repository ?
I will ask another member here @GatorsFan to swing by and see if he can help

He will be notified of this action required on your part
Sorry for the late response - with no action on my part this sporadically resolved itself. Thanks for the help regardless :)

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