I've Come A Long Way Baby!!!

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
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One of my biggest concerns before ditching the Giant was being able to use AutoCAD. In one of my very first threads someone told me about the best alternative he found. Like me, he actually uses and needs to keep using CAD apps <--- Lookie there, I'm not saying software anymore! I looked back through old threads to find it.

Those old posts reminded me how scared I was! I expected to be using both Linux and the Giant for at least a year or two before taking the final plunge. I thought I would have to spend a lot of time figuring how to do things that were second nature with the Giant. After I finally figured out how, then I would have to remember how.

I thought I would have notebooks all over my desk within easy reach every time I need to do anything. I had visions of my Linux notes mixed in with papers for every other part of my life. My cats would walk over, lay on and play with my notes.

Those thougnts were quickly followed by nightmarish panic attacks.

I wouldn't be able to find the exact note I need RIGHT NOW because this thing I'm trying to do has to be done RIGHT NOW! I saw books and cats flying through the air as I scrambled to find that one specific note that would tell me exactly how to accomplish my urgent task! My coffee would get knocked over. When I finaly find it, my note would only be blurry ink and coffee.

I would break down in hysterics and fall to the floor in tears because my life is over! If only I'd found that note before I knocked my coffee over and now I can't drink it because it's all over my desk and I REALLY NEED MY COFFEE NOW....

Moving to Linux wasn't even close to that hard.
I thought I would have to suffer the Giant for at least a year before burying him for good.

It took one night.
I haven't looked back and I haven't regretted it.
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I thought I would have notebooks all over my desk within easy reach every time I need to do anything.
To sum all of that lack pf panic, and absence of notebooks scattered everywhere etc etc....you are in the process of, and comfortable with, learning to navigate your way around Linux.....without fear of the whole thing hitting the deck!
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yes well done you are learning to speak Linux [or some may call it Geek]
I earned doctorate geek status with the Giant!
I have to learn my ABC's and 123's before I can count and spell in Linux.

The first thing I had to learn in Windows was that the button on the bottom left side of the moniter didn't do the same thing as "Start" on the bottom left side of the screen.
Congratulations. Your Linux journey has finally begun. Welcome to a world of continuous learning. I’ve been using Linux for 20 odd years and I’m still learning new things every day. Hell, sometimes I re-learn/rediscover things I’d completely forgotten about. Ha ha!
Welcome to a world of continuous learning.


Of course, I'm of the belief that this should be the case no matter what. Many people seem to think that graduating (from high school or university) is the end of their learning. Really, it's just the beginning.

This is as true with Linux as it is with many other subjects.
Moving to Linux wasn't even close to that hard.
I thought I would have to suffer the Giant for at least a year before burying him for good.

It took one night.
I haven't looked back and I haven't regretted it.
Mwaahahaha! You're doomed - like the rest of us. :eek:
This is DOOMED???

I thought it was freedom! Whatever it is, I'll take it!

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