KDE Vs Gnome


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
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The person that wrote the article doesn't get the Gnome workflow, the Gnome workflow is somewhere between that of desktop environment and a tiling window manager where you can choose to use it keyboard oriented or mouse oriented. You can use extensions to give it a more classic desktop workflow but the extensions break every major update, I recently found a good comparison by Linux Youtuber, that the same happens with a major update with DWM that patches break and need to get fixed as well.

The writer also complains about Gnome taking up 2,5G of ram, sounds more like this person is a minimalist. We are living in 2024 where pre-built pc's for every day work have 16G ram and pre-built gaming pc's have 32G ram.

I'm writing this because I use Gnome and I have used KDE Plasma in recent years. I just think for someone writing an article comparing two desktop environments they should have written a more object view rather than just sharing their views.

P.S My view isn't objective either but at least I'm honest about it :)
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This is just two of the choices of a DE, we as Linux users are spoilt for choice. As with a distribution, it's a personal choice which you want to use. They all work. They are all stable, so no arguments as far as I am concerned.
I have no intention of starting a DE war here (I hate these wars anyway) but I will say my opinion as detailed as possible. It's up to the reader to decide for themselves. Remember that this is my personal opinion and it will never change, I'm not obligating anyone to agree with me.

My favorite desktop which I'm using 9th year in a row is Cinnamon (which is a fork of Gnome 2, I think) but I use separate apps from KDE and Gnome. Cuz from both DEs some apps are very good and cool (like kolourpaint, gedit, pluma, whereas these two whole desktops are simply not my thing. But ever since GTK4 came officially and Gnome started migrating everything to GTK4, I had to start downgrading and freezing those apps at GTK3 versions because GTK4 is horrible - nothing to do with GTK3, no dark themes either, thus they all appear white. Even the CSS files of GTK4 are too different from GTK3, so I can't even begin to understand which file(s) I should edit in order to have the GTK3 look in GTK4.
The Linux Mint team (the developers of Cinnamon) started gnomifying Cinnamon slowly but surely (that process began with removing support for metacity in Cinnamon 5.4.0, so no more flipping and V-Sync in native linux games (no flipping means V-Sync doesn't work and quite often you can see what appears to be an FPS drop, despite that mangohud may still show stable 60 FPS). I have reported that problem twice but they seem to be not inclined to fix it, so it's a matter of time before I say "Farewell, Cinnamon). And by removing metacity they also removed the option to choose a custom window decoration, so now (just like on Gnome) all of your windows have the same window decoration (or title bar, if you will) and you can't change it in any way.
I'll keep using Cinnamon 6.x for as long as I can. When the gnomification changes become too many, I'll most probably move to Plasma 6 because that's the only desktop as close as possible to Cinnamon and my needs, despite that it has thousands of options that I don't need and never will and some are even ridiculous.
The rest of the desktops are just way too cut off regarding functions and customization options. For instance, on MATE you can't make the panel to be 100% transparent or semi-transparent because when you do that, all the apps that were added to the panel disappear along with the panel's color and if you make it 100% transparent, the same thing happens with the apps icons added to the panel. :D
The last time I tried XFCE it was still using GTK2 which didn't support transparency, so my only chose for the panel and a few other things was a solid color because GTK2 supported only HEX code colors. Luxuries like RGBA format was just a dream in XFCE. IDK if they have migrated to GTK3 yet.
LXQt, LXDE are even worse than MATE & XFCE, I won't even start listing the problems with the other less popular desktops, so that leaves me with one choice only - migrating to Plasma 6 some day, hopefully not too soon.
I have reported that problem twice but they seem to be not inclined to fix it, so it's a matter of time before I say "Farewell, Cinnamon). And by removing metacity they also removed the option to choose a custom window decoration, so now (just like on Gnome) all of your windows have the same window decoration (or title bar, if you will) and you can't change it in any way.
I'll keep using Cinnamon 6.x for as long as I can. When the gnomification changes become too many, I'll most probably move to Plasma 6 because that's the only desktop as close as possible to Cinnamon and my needs, despite that it has thousands of options that I don't need and never will and some are even ridiculous.
You can always switch to MATE which is also a fork of Gnome2 as well :)
My favorite desktop which I'm using 9th year in a row is Cinnamon (which is a fork of Gnome 2, I think)
Actually it was a fork form gnome 3. But thank you for your thoughts Cinnamon is my 2nd favorite DE. Glad it works well for you.
You can always switch to MATE which is also a fork of Gnome2 as well :)
Didn't you read what I wrote about MATE and why it's not an option?

on MATE you can't make the panel to be 100% transparent or semi-transparent because when you do that, all the apps that were added to the panel disappear along with the panel's color and if you make it 100% transparent, the same thing happens with the apps icons added to the panel.
Didn't you read what I wrote about MATE and why it's not an option?
Yes I did, but missed that part. I see it now though. Sorry to say but your huge amount of texts are hard to read with no spacing between the paragraphs making it look like one huge chunk of text making it unbearable to read through without losing concentration and missing something. But yes then KDE Plasma would be the next best option for you.

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