Linux Mint 18.1 or elementaryOS 0.4?



So, my laptop that is running Windows 10 at the time, is not working well with my wifi. I am not new to Linux, but it has been a while. I have used both of these at one point in time, and neither have been my personal favorite. So which one do you personally recommend?

I recommend that you download some ISO files, use an appropriate program to install the ISO to a flash drive (Rufus, PenDriveLinux, Unetbootin, etc), and then boot your laptop with that to try out many different distros. In the process of doing that, you will see which ones work best with your WiFi and other hardware, and which ones are the most visually appealing and intuitive to you.

Choose distros that are 64-bit and claim to be UEFI friendly because UEFI is required on your Windows 10 system and you will have to deal with that. You may need to change some UEFI settings to even boot up a Linux distro. There are often difficulties and you may need to search out more help about this, or ask questions here. Sometimes it's easy, and sometimes it isn't.

Besides installing to flash drives, you might also consider installing VirtualBox in Windows and then loading various Linux distros as virtual machines. This is fairly easy these days if you have enough RAM, and you won't have to deal with the UEFI issues for awhile.

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Okay, but I still want people to vote because I don't know which one to get. Oh, and PLEASE DON'T SAY LINUX MINT IS BETTER BECAUSE ELEMENTARYOS COSTS YOU MONEY!!!
So, my laptop that is running Windows 10 at the time, is not working well with my wifi. I am not new to Linux, but it has been a while. I have used both of these at one point in time, and neither have been my personal favorite. So which one do you personally recommend?

So, maybe I'm misunderstanding your request. You want us to vote on two distros that you already claim are not your favorite. Please try not limiting yourself in such a way. There is a great big Linux world out there (almost 300 distros actively listed on DistroWatch) and I still recommend that you explore that. I personally have a stack of about 30 DVD's beside me right now that are mostly the latest versions... they are all nice distros, but I'll pass on listing them for you. Good luck!
Okay, but I still want people to vote because I don't know which one to get. Oh, and PLEASE DON'T SAY LINUX MINT IS BETTER BECAUSE ELEMENTARYOS COSTS YOU MONEY!!!

As @arochester shows in his link, elementaryOS is also free. Enter "0" in their "price you're willing to pay" box.

I like MX-16 the best. Download it and install it and everything works. Also there is no middleman like Ubuntu in between. MX-16 is based on Debian stable so updates are really up to date.
One day I am going to try the Linux from Scratch plan ;-) just for fun

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