Linux Terminal for Learning

Everything I do at work is pertaining to Linux.. everything I do at work I do in a terminal.. other than things we outsource like setting dns, etc.. which is all in a browser... or mail, etc..

There's a great ebook in my sig for $2.99 (yep, plug) which you should learn a bit, but i'd agree w/ the udemy course.. and really just getting access to a linux terminal and poking around.
can I use the terminal for learning Linux?
You can learn about the terminal by using Linux; you can't access it unless you're on Linux, right? And then you'll learn how your Linux works by using the terminal. I don't know exactly what you mean but if I'm understandig right, you want to learn some basic commands? Then I'd recommend this book which is great Want to learn about Linux system file structure? Check this site and/or read here What is Linux anyway? click here Want to know about different Linux distros out there? distrowatch can help Finally, if you want to learn about Linux google is a good start

Hope this helps! :)