Loading desktop takes over 1 minute.


New Member
Jun 25, 2023
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Hello, boot and log in goes fast, but takes a lot of time to load desktop (i tried all listed desktop).
OS in use Debian Bookworm.

What are your computer specs?

Especially your hard drive, RAM and video card.
Hello, which command line u need?
lspci |grep -E "VGA|3D"
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Lite Hash Rate] (rev a1)
NVIDIA-SMI 525.147.05 Driver Version: 525.147.05 CUDA Version: 12.0
vmstat -s

32643860 K total memory
3203336 K used memory
914972 K active memory
3152876 K inactive memory
27934044 K free memory
93736 K buffer memory
1980492 K swap cache
999420 K total swap
0 K used swap
999420 K free swap
360841 non-nice user cpu ticks
69 nice user cpu ticks
32273 system cpu ticks
5325895 idle cpu ticks
4852 IO-wait cpu ticks
0 IRQ cpu ticks
326 softirq cpu ticks
0 stolen cpu ticks
0 non-nice guest cpu ticks
0 nice guest cpu ticks
1811389 K paged in
524970 K paged out
0 pages swapped in
0 pages swapped out
6361123 interrupts
24450935 CPU context switches
1708263076 boot time
8256 forks
Video card and RAM look good.
How about..

lspci | grep -i ssd
but takes a lot of time to load desktop (i tried all listed desktop).
Which desktop environments did you try and it was with all of them if you tried multiple?



lspci | grep -i ssd
02:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Samsung Electronics Co Ltd NVMe SSD Controller SM981/PM981/PM983
03:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: MAXIO Technology (Hangzhou) Ltd. NVMe SSD Controller MAP1602 (rev 01)



Atm iìm using Cinnamon, but i tried: Gnome, xfce and KDE, but nothing has changed.

Dunno if this can help.
cat ~/.xsession-errors
Xsession: X session started for root at Fri 16 Feb 2024 23:21:03 CET
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/0/bus
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DISPLAY=:0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/root/.Xauthority
localuser:root being added to access control list
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting USER=root
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LANGUAGE=en_IL:en
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting HOME=/root
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DESKTOP_SESSION=cinnamon
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/0/bus
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting IM_CONFIG_PHASE=1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LOGNAME=root
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK3_MODULES=xapp-gtk3-module
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DISPLAY=:0
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LANG=en_IL
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=cinnamon
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/root/.Xauthority
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/lightdm/data/root
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting SHELL=/bin/bash
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GDMSESSION=cinnamon
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GPG_AGENT_INFO=/run/user/0/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting PWD=/root
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting CLUTTER_IM_MODULE=ibus
discover_other_daemon: 1GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=/run/user/0/keyring
discover_other_daemon: 1GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=/run/user/0/keyring
discover_other_daemon: 1GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=/run/user/0/keyring
Connection failure: Connection refused
pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
[cinnamon-settings-daemon-smartcard] Failed to start: no suitable smartcard driver could be found
[cinnamon-settings-daemon-smartcard] Failed to start: no suitable smartcard driver could be found
mutter-Message: 23:22:07.929: Enabling experimental feature 'x11-randr-fractional-scaling'
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.231: Profiler is disabled. Not setting up signals.
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.327: JS LOG: About to start Cinnamon
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.373: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Cinnamon.AppSystem.get_default() started in 44 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.375: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] loading default theme
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.445: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] loaded at Fri Feb 16 2024 23:22:08 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.445: JS LOG: Cinnamon started at Fri Feb 16 2024 23:22:08 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.445: JS LOG: GPU offload supported: false
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.450: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] ExtensionSystem started in 1 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.450: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] DeskletManager started in 1 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.450: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] SearchProviderManager started in 0 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.571: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: tray
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.573: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 14 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.599: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 26 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.603: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 4 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.611: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 8 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.627: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 16 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.635: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 8 ms
nemo-desktop cannot be run as root, please try again as a normal user.
Check 'man nemo' to see how to change this behavior.Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.671: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 36 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.680: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 9 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.692: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: notifications
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.696: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 16 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.712: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 16 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.722: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 10 ms
Fractional scaling active: False
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.739: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: panellauncher
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.739: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: windowattentionhandler
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.741: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 19 ms
Trying to connect to logind...
Starting screensaver...

** (csd-power:1891): CRITICAL **: 23:22:08.747: abs_to_percentage: assertion 'max > min' failed
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.763: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 21 ms
Cinnamon Screensaver support not found in current theme - adding some...
cinnamon-session[1443]: WARNING: t+1.25271s: Detected that screensaver has appeared on the bus
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.791: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 28 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.794: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (16x16px)
Successfully using logind
blueman-applet 23.22.08 WARNING PluginManager:151 __load_plugin: Not loading PPPSupport because its conflict has higher priority
blueman-applet 23.22.08 WARNING PluginManager:151 __load_plugin: Not loading DhcpClient because its conflict has higher priority
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.859: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet [email protected] in 68 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.859: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] AppletManager started in 414 ms
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.861: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Cinnamon took 534 ms to start
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.867: JS LOG: Unknown network device type, is 32
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.872: JS LOG: Unknown network device type, is 30
Gjs-Message: 23:22:08.881: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Hiding systray: network
Gjs-Message: 23:22:09.032: JS LOG: [email protected]: Calendar events supported.
Gjs-Message: 23:22:09.090: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding XAppStatusIcon: blueman :)1.49/org/x/StatusIcon/Icon)

(xapp-sn-watcher:2068): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 23:22:09.162: Unable to replace properties on 0: Error getting properties for ID
Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x400005
Gjs-Message: 23:22:12.621: JS LOG: Enabling WindowAttentionHandler
22:22:15:320 Gs Only 0 apps for recent list, hiding
Gjs-Message: 23:22:15.919: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Removing XAppStatusIcon: blueman :)1.49/org/x/StatusIcon/Icon)
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting USER=root
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting HOME=/root
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DESKTOP_SESSION=cinnamon
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LOGNAME=root
@Madd00x It looks like you are logging in as root on your desktop environment, that's not very smart to do. Create a unprivileged/normal user and login with that user to see if that makes a difference?
Last edited:
Seeing the first dozen entries in systemd-analyze blame might be of interest.
Silly question....perhaps.....Is your system totally updated ?
@Madd00x It looks like you are logging in as root on your desktop environment, that's not very smart to do. Create a unprivileged/normal user and login with that user to see if that makes a difference?
No, i dont, i log as normal user with no Sudo.
Seeing the first dozen entries in systemd-analyze blame might be of interest.
systemd-analyze blame
13.145s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
3.403s smartmontools.service
3.154s fwupd.service
957ms udisks2.service
858ms nvidia-persistenced.service
841ms systemd-modules-load.service
391ms netfilter-persistent.service
371ms exim4.service
190ms systemd-journal-flush.service
176ms dev-mapper-NoVax\x2d\x2dvg\x2droot.device
156ms [email protected]
138ms lvm2-monitor.service
135ms apparmor.service
111ms systemd-sysctl.service
89ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
63ms networking.service
52ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
52ms systemd-journald.service
46ms NetworkManager.service
46ms libvirtd.service
40ms systemd-udevd.service
I already masked NetworkManager-wait-online.service, but nothing has changed, then i unmasked.
No, i dont, i log as normal user with no Sudo.
In your xsession-errorr output I see several variables referring to root including this one.
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/root/.Xauthority
When I do the same and log into a Cinnamon session, I see this for that variable.
dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/home/tux/.Xauthority
Can you login, open a terminal and share the output of the following command?
env | egrep -i "logname|user|home|pwd"
Last edited:
That network wait is a long time, but I'm not sure if you can actually disable that and have it change anything. You can try masking it.

Also, what's the output from just plain systemd-analyze?

(I don't know/have a fix, I am mostly digging for information that may click with someone else.)
Well, many thanks to all of you, but i did a new installation and everything work fine.
Have a nice day/eve/morning (depend where you live).
Weird but I'm glad it's a good outcome!

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