Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
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Oh the world outside is frightful,
But inside the case its delightful,
There are Windows in a lot you see,
But Linux is always free.

The new version of evil may become,
A subscription for a "measly" sum
So your data is not your own,
Let more Linux seeds be sown.

The M can't get eleven spread,
Under twenty five percent instead,
Only three percent are Linux though,
Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow.


Leave Linux be if Linux grows into the home user base OS it will become another polluted landfill as Windows has become imo.

Linux is fine being 3% imo.
Just the other day I was pondering the lyrics to that song - to the point where I went to look them up.

The song's about someone using a snowstorm as an excuse to try copping a feel from his lady friend.

I'll say Merry Christmas to that!

(This doesn't violate the rules. The rules are violated if you start discussing the religious aspects of the holiday. It can be a tightrope, I suppose.)
Just the other day I was pondering the lyrics to that song - to the point where I went to look them up.

The song's about someone using a snowstorm as an excuse to try copping a feel from his lady friend.

I'll say Merry Christmas to that!

(This doesn't violate the rules. The rules are violated if you start discussing the religious aspects of the holiday. It can be a tightrope, I suppose.)
Using Linux a lot out in the world think we are violators anyway, might as well have fun with it. A few times at Microcenter in the past, I mention Linux and get ??? like do you program/hack/is it hard, most of the youngers are Win games based. Just got done building even another PC, mostly white, Lian Li Lancool Mesh, AMD and went with the Intel A750 3 fan card for 189.00 at Microcenter, The ram lights up but seems pics keep catching it off. And yes there is a Neon Genesis Asuka Figure inside her suit is blood red the pic does not do it justice. Have been watching Evangelion lately. Built it, runs MX fine and back in the box it goes. It is the future desktop. Bought the parts at great prices.

