mount drives so they have the correct permissions.


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Apr 24, 2024
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I have mounted two different drives using the fstab file:

UUID=cf14a09f-f8cb-6acd-9af9-a3aebbc5bbbc /mnt/cctvdata ext4 defaults 0 0

// /mnt/cctvarchive cifs credentials=/etc/cred/nxwitnessshare 0 0

When I look at the permissions I see that they both have different ones

sysadmin@nxwitness:/mnt$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 14 21:28 cctvarchive
drwxr-xr-x 5 sysadmin sysadmin 4096 Jun 10 10:52 cctvdata

I am needing the cctarchive permisisons to be the same as for cctvdata.

I have tried using chown but nothing changes.

You need to give mount options for the samba share that will mount the share with a local user and group.
For example using your fstab entry.
// /mnt/cctvarchive cifs uid=sysadmin,gid=sysadmin,credentials=/etc/cred/nxwitnessshare 0 0
It will be useful if you add a "_netdev" in there to because it being a network share, that way it will way to mount the share until the network is up.
// /mnt/cctvarchive cifs uid=sysadmin,gid=sysadmin,credentials=/etc/cred/nxwitnessshare,_netdev 0 0
Thanks so much. both suggestions worked a treat.

Jus for my learning, why did I need to set uid and gid for the network share but not for the UUID mount?
Jus for my learning, why did I need to set uid and gid for the network share but not for the UUID mount?
Because for the local UUID mount is a local filesystem where the permissions get set by the local user and the samba share is a network filesystem where the permissions are terminated by the fileshare server so when mounting a samba share you have to define locally with what user and group you wanted it mounted or else it will default mounting to root.

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