
New Member
Oct 23, 2023
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hola, gracias por atenderme, pero les quiero pedir ayuda... soy nuevo en Linux y acabo de instalar MX LINUX 23.1 en una G41M-VS3 y al final de la instalación, no aparece el wifi... no puedo conectarme y no se como activarlo o en su caso descargarlo e instalarlo... Por favor... AYUDA...!!!!

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Hello, thank you for helping me, but I want to ask you for help... I am new to Linux and I just installed MX LINUX 23.1 on a G41M-VS3 and at the end of the installation, the wifi does not appear... I can't connect and I don't know how to activate it or, if applicable, download and install it... Please... HELP...!!!!
Welcome to the forums.

So it's not a brand of computer? (scratch head)
Good morning and welcome to the forums,
your GM41m-VS3 is quite an old motherboard, not made for the international market, so no quick answers. it came with an Athros network controller for Ethernet but no built-in wi-fi, so we need to determine what your WI-FI is, open a terminal in your MX21 installation and type [or copy/paste] inxi -Nnz and paste back the full report [if inxi is not currently installed , it can be done using the MX software manager]
Hello, good afternoon, in response to your answer to my question, I entered the command that you suggested and this was the result... (As I said before, it is my first time in Linux and I don't know anything about commands...)

Network: No pci device date found

Device-I: Realtek RTI8188FTV 802.11b/g/n ITIR 2.4G Wlan adapter type USB

Driver: N/A

As you can see, I don't know what I should do about it... I will greatly appreciate your help... Thank you.
Realtek RTI8188FTV
You need to build/ install the correct wi-fi driver for this chipset

you will need to be connected to the internet either by hard wire to the router or by means of a tethered data mobile.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install –reinstall build-essential bc git dkms git clone
sudo dkms add ./rtl8188fu
sudo dkms build rtl8188fu/1.0
sudo dkms install rtl8188fu/1.0
sudo cp ./rtl8188fu/firmware/rtl8188fufw.bin /usr/lib/firmware/rtlwifi/
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Just a word of advice....

Enter each command line separately and hit enter after each one

Copy and paste each line from @Brickwizard's post to ensure accuracy.
Thank you for your unconditional support, but I have had technical problems with the connection... I have not been able to get a Cel to connect and to make matters worse my motherboard does not recognize the Ethernet driver... so until I get a connection, I will be able to download and update the RTl8188fu driver... I already downloaded it in Windows but I don't know how to install it in MX Linux, thank you, very grateful to everyone...

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