Need help with enforcing custom monitor EDID from firmware!


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Aug 14, 2020
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TL;DR I need your help in manually forcing the EDID binary from firmware (Since my monitor apparently chose to forget its identity). One easy way to that is to extract the EDID from the monitor driver for Windows (As explained on Arch Wiki: ... s_and_EDID) so that Linux ignores the botched/unreported EDID from my monitor. The method on Arch works on all Linux distributions including Debian.

Model and complete spec info of my monitor:
Link to Windows Driver (Only 1.5 MB): (It's the third download under software and drivers option in the right sidebar)

Please download and tell me what and how to extract the EDID from that. If that is not possible for some reason please please generate new EDID binaries for my resolution (First method of compiling on the same Arch wiki link).. All required monitor spec information in available on the product link.

This problem is not specific to a distro. The problem is in my monitor so it affects all Operating systems including Windows and BSD and Linux ofc. If you still need to know, I am on Buster XFCE.

I have already forced my monitor's max supported resolution (1366x768) using Xrandr and placed the commands in the LightDM startup script to auto switch on every logon.
xrandr --newmode $(cvt 1366 768 60 | grep Mode | sed -e 's/.*"/1366x768/')
xrandr --addmode VGA-1 1366x768
xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode 1366x768
Now that seems to be reasonable solution at first but it's far from ideal. There's an annoying little black screen pause on every logon as the manually added resolution is forced. Then Linux detects 1368x768 instead of the requested resolution and the result is weird issues with font spacing, like they are too close to each other. And in dark mode the fonts have rough edges showing up. I have enabled RGB, hinting, anti-aliasing and custom DPI .. Nothing works.. I have explained more on the link above. Now I found the alternate solution on Arch Wiki and need to force this right from kernel so that it's consistent and works flawlessly with zero issues. But the problem is I am new to Linux so idk what to do!

More elaboration on the issue and how it all came to be:
I had bought this 720p monitor named LG 19M38AB just last year and it still has two years of warranty period remaining. It has already had it's faulty power cord? replaced two months ago. I dual boot Windows and Linux and bother Operating Systems perfectly recognized this monitor as LG 19 up until last month when suddenly the resolutions reverted back to 1024x768 (in both OS(s) ofc). On Windows I suddenly had/and still have resolutions up to 2560x1600. Not kidding, check this Since the option 1366x768 was still available on Windows, I selected that and Windows never had any issues thereafter. But on Linux, the solution was hacky and ended up with a weird resolution 1368x768 instead of 1366x6768 no matter how hard I tried. Heck, Linux , unlike Windows just didn't have resolutions more than 1024x768 showing up in option so I had to manually add the custom mode and then activate. The result is some weird font issues (not related to RGB, hinting or DPI I swear).

I ran this Monitor Asset Manager tool and it shows all sorts of impossible resolutions (for tis 720p monitor) and six random ABC xxxxxx models instead of LG19XXX. I have pasted all the output here:

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