OMG ! UBUNTU !...Microsoft is Bringing exFAT to the Linux Kernel (And No-One’s Getting Sued)


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
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No one is getting sued yet. I don't trust anything Microsoft does when it comes to Linux. MS is famous for befriending competing apps, then devouring them and making them part of MS, wanted or not.
It is quite incredioble the degree of trust that msft do NOT have/enjoy
I wouldn't trust Micro(where pigs fly)soft in a pink fit.
I saw what they did with Skype tried to turn it into a money making scheme. The Estonian creators had a good and fairly efficient product and they weren't worried that you haven't used Skype to ring anyone for months so the credit you put in remained there for when you wanted to call a phone.
That all changed when MS bought them out their updates were pathetic and don't leave to much credit on there for more than two months otherwise it disappears, MS just takes it and you have a big fat zero when you really want to use it. From memory I think the cost of calling also rose after awhile after MS had become the owners of it.
But then MS is no different to other big companies can't compete with little fellows then buy them out and destroy the company.
I saw what they did with Skype tried to turn it into a money making scheme.
Microsoft's purpose is to make money regardless of there ethics and believe me before they do anything their attorneys have covered the behinds.

Don't get me wrong I'm not taking sides however when corporations change hands so do the rules and contracts .

But then MS is no different to other big companies can't compete with little fellows then buy them out and destroy the company.
A good business strategy get rid of your competition if possible.
Knowing MS their so called upgrades to the service was just cover for putting in more ways to spy on you.
That is why I am considering Viber just going on what I have read about Viber it seems to be more like a peer to peer setup and that one was developed in Japan.
Knowing MS their so called upgrades to the service was just cover for putting in more ways to spy on you.
That is why I am considering Viber just going on what I have read about Viber it seems to be more like a peer to peer setup and that one was developed in Japan.
I don't worry about the spying as if Microsoft ain't doing it Google and everyone else is and has been and is.

Privacy the only safe way is to disconnect and hide in your house.

I'm not paranoid nor do I have any reason to hide and just don't worry about what I can't control.

Life is good. ;)
Have a listen to what this fellow says about MS and its likely strategy in regards to Linux.
The video was posted in March 2018
And this is what he said in the preamble to the video

Bryan Lunduke

Microsoft is buying control of Linux. At least as much as any one company can actually do. They are purchasing (with big sacks of cash) influence over some of the most critical and high profile Linux and Open Source organizations on the planet. Is this good? Is this bad? Is this a step on the road to "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish"? I'll leave that up to you to decide... but it's definitely happening.
Yeah it is funny ain't all those spying on you are also the ones trying to rip money off you and tie all their products up with legal bullshit so making it hard for others to improve on them so they operate better than the original maker. And I will leave it at that as this is not the appropriate site to add anything more.
I wouldn't trust Micro(where pigs fly)soft in a pink fit.
I saw what they did with Skype tried to turn it into a money making scheme. The Estonian creators had a good and fairly efficient product and they weren't worried that you haven't used Skype to ring anyone for months so the credit you put in remained there for when you wanted to call a phone.
That all changed when MS bought them out their updates were pathetic and don't leave to much credit on there for more than two months otherwise it disappears, MS just takes it and you have a big fat zero when you really want to use it. From memory I think the cost of calling also rose after awhile after MS had become the owners of it.
But then MS is no different to other big companies can't compete with little fellows then buy them out and destroy the company.
Yeah, that's something else... But it was even worse when Steve Ballmer was whipping chairs at people. :( I... "Trust"... Microsoft to a degree, but there's that part of me that's watching for any ill intent on their part..... That said, Skype on Linux is terrible. :( So they basically took someone's well-done piece of Software and Windows-ified it. That usually means making it slower and less efficient with resources. :( I know people have to make money, but to charge as much as MS and Apple do? No need for that noise. :(

This is huge, unexpected, yet very welcome #opensource news......

A Must Read

be sure to read the comments after the article
This is neat, and I appreciate their effort, but part of me is wary.....
Actually no I don't act off as you say fud or what ever that means.
But then I don't believe what people say just accept what they say but then then allow time to uncover other evidence that either supports the veracity of what they say or refutes the veracity of what they say.
I observe, listen, read without judgement then think upon what I observe, hear and read before drawing a malleable conclusion as that conclusion can be altered as more evidence comes to hand.
I just act on facts that have veritas.
You more than likely will see me around the traps now that Zima is fast approaching and the days are shorter and plurry cold.
Yes! Life is good.

Nik-Ken-Bah ;):)

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Yeah it is funny ain't all those spying on you are also the ones trying to rip money off you and tie all their products up with legal bullshit so making it hard for others to improve on them so they operate better than the original maker. And I will leave it at that as this is not the appropriate site to add anything more.
Yeah, but you made some good points though. :)
Microsoft is buying control of Linux. At least as much as any one company can actually do.

I wouldn't say "Linux", but rather Ubuntu. Microsoft does own 51% controlling interest of Canonical.
On Microsoft's Azure cloud service, the only two "non-extra charge" Linux offerings are Ubuntu and CentOS. They don't charge extra for RedHat, but you have to pay support fees if you want access to all extra rpms and binaries.
I wouldn't say "Linux", but rather Ubuntu. Microsoft does own 51% controlling interest of Canonical.
On Microsoft's Azure cloud service, the only two "non-extra charge" Linux offerings are Ubuntu and CentOS. They don't charge extra for RedHat, but you have to pay support fees if you want access to all extra rpms and binaries.
I ran apt-get install linux-* just to see what was available in the Ubuntu Repos, and there were things like Azure and AWS I think.
Microsoft does own 51% controlling interest of Canonical.
Please provide a reference source / link to this.

Please provide a reference source / link to this.

This was actually listed as an article on distrowatch a while back, but that link is gone.
Well Brian, you opened a can of worms with this one, didn't you :):p?

I'll weigh in for my 3 and a half cents worth (inflation)

On an earlier reference (and one deleted since)

FUD - acronym for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.

FUD is an acronym for fear, uncertainty and doubt. It is a marketing term that is often used to cast a shadow over a competitor's product when your own is unable to compete. FUD is a technique used by larger companies who have a large market share.

Source - Webopedia

I knew of this word, but not what it meant, had to Google it. Likely used more in American circles, or in business circles, neither of which I inhabit :).

However the quoted definition is remarkably accurate where MS is concerned.

The ubiquitous firm at Redmond, Washington State, cannot compete with Linux because of the MS business model providing constraints to its adopting FOSS (free and open source software), irrespective of what public moves they make to appear to be considering or doing so.

Richard Stallman would not sit on his thumbs, if Microsoft posed a threat, that's for sure.

(link on Stallman for "Ken's" benefit, if he is not aware of him).

I won't lose any sleep at night worrying ... yet :rolleyes:

The major irrefutable difference between Microsoft and Ubuntu/Linux can be condensed to one word:
Money (greed)....(ok...two words)

That is why "never the twain shall meet"

A can of worms?....oh yeah....I do that from time to time... when the right mood strikes me.....

Brings the rabbits out of their holes.

if by some stroke of evil on someones part the twain does get to meet....then I may well find another OS.

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