OS for smartphone


Feb 2, 2024
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I don't know mobile related questions is ok or not here,
But if it's good then I want a recommendation of OS/distro which is good for smartphone. Definitely lightweight but caple of do basic task like calling, message, calender etc (if I put that functions apps in it) basically capable to access hardware given in that phone (atleast basic ones), if possible then basic internet apps also working like WhatsApp, YouTube.
Can anyone give any recommendations or advice please.
Note: if anyone want to know specifically which phone/model I am talking about then it is POCO M2

Last I checked (last month) Android was available for phones and pc's however; it was in the 'Beta' stage:-

Joining the Android Central Forum should get you started in the right place.

Also, the Android Community via Google is a good place to go for help.
They answered me last year and were very helpful.

There are other operating systems here that can be installed on your smartphone:

Best wishes for a new os on your smartphone.

Thanks @Alexzee I was searching for Linux based/Linux lightweight os not Android. I check the list in the site which you refer and I find some Linux based os in it, I will try to use one of them after checking the requirements and supported devices list.
Thanks again
Thanks @Alexzee I was searching for Linux based/Linux lightweight os not Android. I check the list in the site which you refer and I find some Linux based os in it, I will try to use one of them after checking the requirements and supported devices list.
Thanks again
You're welcome.

With some phones I've learned that you will have to root the phone in order to install a Linux distro on it. And unlock the bootloader.

Ubuntu Touch for example. See here:

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