OS not sending ACPI commands properly?


New Member
Jun 29, 2024
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OS: Gentoo
Hardware: Framework 16 (AMD Ryzen)
init system: OpenRC

Whenever I attempt to restart or shut down the computer, regardless of method, the OS will successfully shut down, but leaves my computer in an idle powered-on state, black screen with nothing happening. So restarting doesn't work, and shutting down keeps the power on, but doing nothing. To get the computer to shut down properly, I need to manually power-cycle the computer by holding the power button down.

I'm somewhat familiar with *nix systems, but would appreciate some direction on where to look for hints as to what may be going wrong. Eg, what logs might I look at, and what's the easiest way to parse/analyze/filter them for relevant info?

Try upgrading the firmware of your motherboard.
the "shutdown -h now" command has the same behavior. As far as the potential for this being a kernel bug goes, I'm using the latest stable version of the distribution kernel, 6.6.32. The user in the link you provided mentions upgrading to 6.8.7. If I upgraded, it would have to be to a version in the "testing" category. I'd be a bit surprised if the stable version had this bug, but I'll ask around in the Gentoo community maybe.

As far as looking through logs go, Portage is just Gentoo's package manager, its logs would only cover package management stuff. Is there not a generalized location for logs that would cover the reboot procedure? I'd imagine that's mostly distro-agnostic, no?

My BIOS is the latest version.
the "shutdown -h now" command has the same behavior. As far as the potential for this being a kernel bug goes, I'm using the latest stable version of the distribution kernel, 6.6.32. The user in the link you provided mentions upgrading to 6.8.7. If I upgraded, it would have to be to a version in the "testing" category. I'd be a bit surprised if the stable version had this bug, but I'll ask around in the Gentoo community maybe.

As far as looking through logs go, Portage is just Gentoo's package manager, its logs would only cover package management stuff. Is there not a generalized location for logs that would cover the reboot procedure? I'd imagine that's mostly distro-agnostic, no?

My BIOS is the latest version.
General location on logs in Linux is /var/log/.

On my Slackware system the path to my logs are /var/log/syslog and /var/log/lastlog and the like.

The system manager depends on what init system is in use. Like: systemd, sysvinit, openrc or runit.
From the reading I did on Gentoo systemd is disabled by default.
To have a look at the last shutdowns that are recent run:
last -x | grep shutdown

On a Debian system that's using systemd the shutdown script is in /etc/init.d/.


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