Photo transfer issues (Mint)

Where you able to reset your camera UpNorth?

The short version is: go to the menu (central button on the four-way controller) and then to the Setup menu (wrench), scroll thru the menu items until you see "Reset." Click it and proceed from there.

Whatever you changed in your settings over rode the camera's default to create a 'P10000042.JPG' rather then what you had before 20221019_4101_.JPG. A Reset should fix that so that your camera goes back to the feature of a date format again.

-Anytime that I change 'Settings on anything' I write down what I had before I change it. A fail-safe have you.-

This information may prove as useful too.

Nice reference on the camera settings, thanks! I will start writing things down going forward.

I've reset the camera many times since last weekend. The file name with a P and image number is still the same. I know I had the naming convention as a date before, because I have pics named this way that I know were taken with this camera. I don't know when it changed or why. It's possible I have finally lost my mind. I knew it would happen eventually.
Format instructions for the sd card--

Nice reference on the camera settings, thanks! I will start writing things down going forward.

I've reset the camera many times since last weekend. The file name with a P and image number is still the same. I know I had the naming convention as a date before, because I have pics named this way that I know were taken with this camera. I don't know when it changed or why. It's possibly I have finally lost my mind. I knew it would happen eventually.
You're welcome.
Last thought:- give Panasonic a call and see what they could suggest. You can Live Chat if you'd prefer.

Even if you did loose your mind you can easily get it back by taking a break or head off to a trip to the Bahamas. LOL!
This makes sense that it would be the SD card. However, when I click Menu then Format, it just asks me if I want to delete all data from the memory card. I click yes, then nothing. No further prompts.
This makes sense that it would be the SD card. However, when I click Menu then Format, it just asks me if I want to delete all data from the memory card. I click yes, then nothing. No further prompts.
I could be wrong, however; it is starting to look like some option is missing or after so many 'resets' what you need just isn't showing up there. If you have another micro sd card give that a spin. Maybe change the batteries as well.

Is the data on your card being deleted when you click yes?
I wonder if the battery terminal is dirty?
Any error messages?

I'm nearing the end of ideas here. I'd give Panasonic a call to see what they say.

--*Sanity Check--*
Doing the same thing repeatedly thinking that you will achieve a different result is madness!
I'm beginning to think it is the card. I googled "unable to format sd card" but all solutions were Windows fixes. Oh well, LOL. I went cheap when buying this card, so I'll purchase another. Might solve a lot of my issues. Thanks for your help!
I'm beginning to think it is the card. I googled "unable to format sd card" but all solutions were Windows fixes. Oh well, LOL. I went cheap when buying this card, so I'll purchase another. Might solve a lot of my issues. Thanks for your help!
You're welcome.:)
Let's us know when you can how a new card goes.

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