photography post workflow



If there are any digital photographers here, what is your Linux workflow?

My Windows workflow is:

Adobe Lightroom to transfer the image from storage to computer, add copyright data to exif (exif is a type of photographic metadata) and catalog the image with keywords. (Other then cataloging, I used to use Nikon Capture for this.)

Then Adobe Lightroom for adjusting basic stuff about the image, such as white balance and exposure.

Then Adobe Bridge / ACR / Ps for advanced stuff like pano merging, cleaning that spot from the speck of dirt on my lens, things like that.

Then back to Lightroom for uploading to Flickr, if desired.

I don't know how else to explain it without just the example.

Also, ty for the link, I will check it out!
Devyn, the link that arochester provided does a much better job of explaining photographic workflow that I can.
"HDR Photography on Linux | LAS s30e06"

Ian Hex a talented photographer whose workflow is completely under Linux, joins us to discuss his must have open source photo management tools for Linux, how he creates his amazing HDR images, and his thoughts on strengths and weakness of using Linux for photography.


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