Puppet - mySQL not remotely accessible upon setup (workbench)


Snd Lt

I used Puppet's mySQL module to bring it up like this.

The workstation ip is and JIRA(mySQL) VM is (Puppet Master is;

I'm trying to access mySQL server using workbench mySQL client tool from workstation (hence @ in the grant).

Usually I know I can remotely access if I can view htp:/ on the browser.
On mySQL VM, if I do htp:/localhost:3306, I see some messages that means I can access the mySQL server. But htp:/ on itself doesn't work either.

Where the heck in my Puppet for mySQL code, did I mess up? I think somewhere in my puppet code, I am not allowing mySQL server to allow remote access.

class { '::mysql::server':
root_password => 'secret',
remove_default_accounts => true,
override_options => $override_options

::mysql::db { 'mydb':
user => 'jira',
password => 'secret',
dbname => 'jiraDB',
host => 'localhost',


mysql_grant { 'jira@localhost/*.*':
ensure => 'present',
options => ['GRANT'],
privileges => ['ALL'],
table => '*.*',
user => 'jira@localhost' ,

mysql_grant { '[email protected]/*.*':
ensure => 'present',
options => ['GRANT'],
privileges => ['ALL'],
table => '*.*',
user => '[email protected]' ,

mysql_grant { '[email protected]/*.*':
ensure => 'present',
options => ['GRANT'],
privileges => ['ALL'],
table => '*.*',
user => '[email protected]' ,

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