Query cheat.sh from the terminal. A quick access cheat sheet for a range of linux commands!


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2019
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Hi, everyone! Hope you're all having a nice life! :)
$ curl cheat.sh/<comamnd-to-search>
$ curl cheat.sh/rsync
# To copy files from remote to local, maintaining file properties and sym-links
# (-a), zipping for faster transfer (-z), verbose (-v):
rsync -avz host:file1 :file1 /dest/
rsync -avz /source host:/dest

# To copy files using checksum (-c) rather than time to detect if the file has
# changed. (Useful for validating backups):
rsync -avc <src> <dest>

# To copy /src/foo folder into destination:
# This command will create /dest/foo if it does not already exist
rsync -auv /src/foo /dest

# To copy contents of /src/foo into destination:
# This command will not create /foo_bak/foo folder
rsync -auv /src/foo/ /foo_bak

# To copy file from local to remote over ssh with non standard port 1234 to
# destination folder in remoteuser's home directory:
rsync -avz -e "ssh -p1234" <source> <username>@<host>:<dest>

# Use the specified authentication key, instead of typing a password:
# (The key can be generated by ssh-keygen, and the public key should be placed
# in remote's authorized_keys, e.g. using ssh-copy-id)
rsync -avz -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa" <src> <dest>

# Log into remote as a user, but promote to root, to access privileged files:
rsync -avz --rsync-path="sudo rsync" user@<src> <dest>

# Rsync only symlinks and preserve them as symlinks (dont follow them):
find /path/to/files -type l -print | \
  rsync -av --files-from=- /path/to/files user@targethost:/dest_path

# rsync
# Transfer files either to or from a remote host (not between two remote hosts).
# Can transfer single files, or multiple files matching a pattern.
# More information: <https://manned.org/rsync>.

# Transfer file from local to remote host:
rsync path/to/local_file remote_host:path/to/remote_directory

# Transfer file from remote host to local:
rsync remote_host:path/to/remote_file path/to/local_directory

# Transfer file in [a]rchive (to preserve attributes) and compressed ([z]ipped) mode with [v]erbose and [h]uman-readable [P]rogress:
rsync -azvhP path/to/local_file remote_host:path/to/remote_directory

# Transfer a directory and all its children from a remote to local:
rsync -r remote_host:path/to/remote_directory path/to/local_directory

# Transfer directory contents (but not the directory itself) from a remote to local:
rsync -r remote_host:path/to/remote_directory/ path/to/local_directory

# Transfer a directory [r]ecursively, in [a]rchive to preserve attributes, resolving contained soft[l]inks , and ignoring already transferred files [u]nless newer:
rsync -rauL remote_host:path/to/remote_directory path/to/local_directory

# Transfer file over SSH and delete remote files that do not exist locally:
rsync -e ssh --delete remote_host:path/to/remote_file path/to/local_file

# Transfer file over SSH using a different port than the default and show global progress:
rsync -e 'ssh -p port' --info=progress2 remote_host:path/to/remote_file p

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+------------------------+ +------------------------+ +------------------------+
| $ curl cheat.sh/ls     | | $ cht.sh btrfs         | | $ cht.sh lua/:learn    |
| $ curl cht.sh/btrfs    | | $ cht.sh tar~list      | | Learn any* programming |
| $ curl cht.sh/tar~list | |                        | | language not leaving   |
| $ curl https://cht.sh  | |                        | | your shell             |
|                        | |                        | | *) any of 60           |
|                        | |                        | |                        |
+-- queries with curl ---+ +- own optional client --+ +- learn, learn, learn! -+
+------------------------+ +------------------------+ +------------------------+
| $ cht.sh go/f<tab><tab>| | $ cht.sh --shell       | | $ cht.sh go zip lists  |
| go/for   go/func       | | cht.sh> help           | | Ask any question using |
| $ cht.sh go/for        | | ...                    | | cht.sh or curl cht.sh: |
| ...                    | |                        | | /go/zip+lists          |
|                        | |                        | | (use /,+ when curling) |
|                        | |                        | |                        |
+---- TAB-completion ----+ +-- interactive shell ---+ +- programming questions-+
+------------------------+ +------------------------+ +------------------------+
| $ curl cht.sh/:help    | | $ vim prg.py           | | $ time curl cht.sh/    |
| see /:help and /:intro | | ...                    | | ...                    |
| for usage information  | | zip lists _            | | real    0m0.075s       |
| and README.md on GitHub| | <leader>KK             | |                        |
| for the details        | |             *awesome*  | |                        |
|            *start here*| |                        | |                        |
+--- self-documented ----+ +- queries from editor! -+ +---- instant answers ---+
Pretty handy, if you ask me. :)
Source: https://www.commandlinefu.com/comma...ess-cheat-sheet-for-a-range-of-linux-commands

The tool: https://github.com/chubin/cheat.sh#command-line-client-chtsh
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Pretty handy, if you ask me.

Indeed! It has been on my list of things to write about, but I hadn't yet figured out a way to turn it into an article.

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