Set up old Vista PC as a full linux only machine


Dean Moore

I have an old Vista machine that I plan to convert to a linux only machine. I have downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu and want to set the machine up, but don't want to loose the USB's and the other ports to the PC. Does anyone have a procedure or documentation on how to get this to work.

You will not lose the USbs and other ports. They will work in Ubuntu.

Just install...
The tips I've always read and used to do when thinking of switching to a Linux OS, is to create Live CD/DVD's or USB Flash drives. You reboot your computer with your selection in the appropriate drive. Make sure your Bios is set up to read those devices first, your computer will boot from them. This will allow you to try that particular Linux Distro out on your system to check out basic functionality. Not all Live CD/DVD or USB Flash drive Distro's will give you 100% demonstration, but will give you a great feel as to how it will function on your system. I've generally have had no issues with Ubuntu or Mint unless the system parameters were really weak.
I am new to Linux and my first install was to put Ubuntu on a Dell laptop that had come with Vista. I was surprised at how slick and simple it went the first time. Everything works and I didn't have to spend a lot of time tracking down drivers or anything.

I guess it doesn't always go that well but I do know it sometimes does. Like --right now I am hitting a snag installing Mint on a Dell Optiplex tower but I think I'll be able to figure it out with a little reading and help from places like this.
Yes and a hell of a lot more stable than Vista an anyway welcome.
I have a Vista machine and am interested in changing to Linux but have some questions. Such as will Autocad work with it or do I need a dual install with windows
My version of Autocad is 2000 Autocad map. Somewhat out of date but who can afford to buy the new version. I will have to try wine and see

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