Shared webserver

Hi Toni,
Setting up a web server without using cPanel or Plesk is simple. Essentially, all you would need to do is download the installation media of your preferred Linux OS, run through the install, selecting web server (so that you get apache/mysql,php etc...) and you are just about done!

However, administering a bear bones server may be too complicated for a novice user. It will require you to edit the config files manually in order to setup the server, and also schedule updates to the server manually. If you are interested in running a server like this, we would be happy to help you get started, or even do the initial setup for you. Just email [email protected] and we can get you started on the right foot.

Hey there Toni,

Assuming you have apache installed - along w/ anything you'll want to use like php, mysql, etc.. you can set up a web server relatively easily..

First off, create a spot where you want your site to live - let's say you're setting up

mkdir -p /home/sites/
(the -p will create parent directories if they don't exist)

Then, edit the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (CentOS, Red Hat, etc..) to add your site. Add this to the bottom of the file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /home/sites/
    ErrorLog logs/
    CustomLog logs/ common
(replacing w/ your info of course)

Restart apache:
CentOS/Red Hat/etc..
service httpd restart

That will get it going in a very basic way and bring up a website on the box assuming it's the same ip as the server.

Like gcawood said - if you're newish to Linux, we'd suggest going with control panel software like cPanel at first.
Do you have a VPS or Dedicated server to go from already?

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