SSD and copy speed


New Member
Jun 14, 2024
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I have an Asus vivo pc with dual sata bay :

I'm trying to copy disk image with dd :
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/test/myimage.img(sda) bs=128kb

Despite SSD are 500Mb/sec RW capable , transfer rate is 26MB/sec

Where is the bottleneck ? Bay itself, machine performances, cpu, ram, etc . ??
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I have an Asus vivo pc with dual sata bay :

I'm trying to copy disk image with dd :
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/test/myimage.img(sda) bs=128kb

Despite SSD are 500Mb/sec RW capable , transfer rate is 26MB/sec

Where is the bottleneck ? Bay itself, machine performances, cpu, ram, etc . ??
I have found that increasing the block size to like 4M helps it work better, but your transfer rate looks more like mine. I'm using a USB3.x hard drive and matching port. Play with your block size and used buffered I/O. Don't use iflag=direct or oflag=direct as this is unbuffered I/O.


Matthew Campbell
I used many times USB to SATA adapters, I thought throughput over USB was poor dued to that interface conversion, and sata to sata bus was faster, but it isn't true, the cause resides somewhere else....
my guess would be the bay, if the drives are in parallel [both feeding into a single connection to the motherboard], this will reduce the speed if both are in use,
as it is the nominal speed of an SSD varies by make and format, the theoretical speed on a single SAT3 connection is 6gbs [assuming the connection is using a STA3 cable] or a SATA 2 connection of 3gbs, the actual speed can be as low as 4.5gbs and 2.4gbs respectively
Well.... with bs=4M it jumps to a nice 160Mb/s....

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