Today's article has to do with flatpaks...


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Jul 23, 2020
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I'm not sure where to put this one, as it's updating flatpaks in the terminal. But, more and more people are starting to use them and this is really something about getting started with flatpaks. So, I tossed it in the Getting Started sub-forum. It was there or in the command line section.

If you're using Gnome (which includes Cinnamon, based on an older version of Gnome) then the update manager will just update your flatpaks for you when you update the system. I'm not sure how well other distros/desktops/software managers deal with it, as I just tend to run the updates in the terminal.

Also, updating flatpaks in the terminal is fun to watch. It's pretty unusual.

So, if you're not using a system that updates them manually, you might want to do this in your terminal.

Also, updating flatpaks in the terminal is fun to watch. It's pretty unusual.
N-no. Its actually not. Its really REALLY not. As matter of fact, I find it so uninteresting that I only update my system when I go to sleep so I can turn the screen off. All I want to see the next morning is the terminal being on standby with the operation completed.
Flatpaks remind me of IKEA furniture, nicely boxed but slow to assemble, and I always wonder if there is a bit missing
N-no. Its actually not. Its really REALLY not.


LOL I love watching stuff in the terminal. Have you ever compiled something on your own and watched that? That's one of my favorite things to watch.

Back in my Windows days, I'd often watch the system defrag, but I love watching text go by in the terminal. It lets me know what's going on under the hood.

Flatpaks remind me of IKEA furniture, nicely boxed but slow to assemble, and I always wonder if there is a bit missing

I've never had much of an issue with them - but I've had AppImages fail to work a bunch of times.

I don't mind them. I only have one installed right now, on this device. LibreWolf would be that flatpak. It's a fairly solid browser, I suppose. I only use it for certain things.
