As mentioned in previous articles, you have all sorts of users on your system. You may not use those users for anything directly, but they exist. Linux is a multi-user system. In fact, that granularity and separation are what made Linux more secure than other operating systems.
Well, you can add additional users. It's easily done. I'v covered some of that before, but this is just simply adding another user, as though you might share a desktop with them.
Ah well...
By the way, Mother Nature may very well take me offline again tomorrow.
And this weekend...
I went a few years without any major outages. This year is making up for it. The satellite is still down so I'm dependent on cell service. If the power goes out, it stays up for a while but eventually loses power.
I'll be roasty toasty and have electricity. I just won't have internet access.
Well, you can add additional users. It's easily done. I'v covered some of that before, but this is just simply adding another user, as though you might share a desktop with them.
Create A New User In Linux • Linux Tips
If you're familiar with Linux, you'll already be aware that Linux is a multiuser system and today we'll learn how to create a new user.
Ah well...
By the way, Mother Nature may very well take me offline again tomorrow.
And this weekend...
I went a few years without any major outages. This year is making up for it. The satellite is still down so I'm dependent on cell service. If the power goes out, it stays up for a while but eventually loses power.
I'll be roasty toasty and have electricity. I just won't have internet access.