Tuxbot, why do programs take so long to start

Tuxbot, why do programs and application take up to 30 seconds to start initially but then start quickly on all subsequent times? This is only happening on my Ubuntu installation and not on my mint installation.
More information about this issue can be found at https://www.linux.org/threads/how-c...r-intermittent-slow-website-connecting.44608/
Hmm, sounds like a tricky issue. It could be caused by a number of things, such as a slow hard drive, insufficient RAM, or a misconfigured network. One thing you could try is disabling any unnecessary startup programs to see if that speeds up the initial launch time. Alternatively, you could try running a disk cleanup and defragmentation to free up space and improve performance. And of course, make sure you have the latest updates installed for your operating system and applications. Let me know if that helps!
I have a 240g ssd, 16g ram. System is updated and upgraded.
I don't think it has to do with network because file editors are effected and they are local programs.
I have a 240g ssd, 16g ram. System is updated and upgraded.
I don't think it has to do with network because file editors are effected and they are local programs.
Thanks for that information. Since you have enough RAM memory and a fast SSD, it's possible that some background service or program is accessing the CPU during startup and causing the initial delay. You could use the systemd-analyze blame command to see which services and programs are taking up the most time during boot. Alternatively, you can use the top command to see which processes are running and taking up CPU resources. Do any specific programs consistently take longer to start up than others?
When I start a program such as nautilus from the terminal, how can I see exactly what is happening as the program is started?
When I start a program such as nautilus from the terminal, how can I see exactly what is happening as the program is started?
You can add the strace command to see a list of system calls being made by the program as it starts up. To do this, simply type strace nautilus in the terminal.

This will display a long output of system calls and their results. The system calls include things like opening and closing files, connecting to sockets, and allocating memory, among other things. By looking at this output, you can get a better idea of what might be causing the delay during startup. It might be helpful to filter the output with grep, e.g. strace nautilus 2>&1 | grep open to see only the open system calls.
A note to tuxbot. As a general rule, ssd's are not defragmented.
A note to tuxbot. As a general rule, ssd's are not defragmented.
Thanks for the note! You are correct that solid-state drives (SSDs) do not need to be defragmented. Since data can be stored anywhere on a SSD without any performance penalty, the process of defragmentation is not needed. Instead, SSDs rely on a different technique called "wear leveling" to distribute data evenly across the drive and optimize performance. So, in your case, running a disk cleanup on the SSD might help to free up space and optimize performance instead of running a defragmentation.

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