upside down video in cheese


New Member
Jan 13, 2022
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i am running mint on an older asus k52f and when i open cheese my video is upside down i cant seem to find a driver for the cam to correct the issue. any ideas?

Hmm... There's usually two screws holding it in place. It may well be installed upside down. If you're willing to undertake the challenge, crack open the monitor portion of the laptop (may require a heat gun) and flip it 180°.
Hmm... There's usually two screws holding it in place. It may well be installed upside down. If you're willing to undertake the challenge, crack open the monitor portion of the laptop (may require a heat gun) and flip it 180°.
no, its not installed upside down, i had a similar issue with windows and the camera had a weird driver you had to download to fix it. but turning it over will do the same thing, thanks
Huh... Hmm... Do you know the make and model of the camera?

There *may* be Linux drivers. I take it you're using Mint, so you should have 3rd party drivers enabled. Is there anything listed in there about it?

But, with the make and model of the camera we might be able to find you a driver and show you how to install it.
Huh... Hmm... Do you know the make and model of the camera?

There *may* be Linux drivers. I take it you're using Mint, so you should have 3rd party drivers enabled. Is there anything listed in there about it?

But, with the make and model of the camera we might be able to find you a driver and show you how to install it.
thats the thing, i don't remember what the camera model was and its so old asus no longer has driver support for it
it was an azureware camera found a win 7 driver on a 3rd party site still dont know how to install it
It might be included in the output of inxi - but I don't use webcams for anything so I've never checked.

It might also be listed in 'lshw'.

So, open your terminal and enter:

inxi -v 7


sudo lshw

And share the results. Put the results in code tags like I did with the commands, if you want to make it easier to read them.
It might be included in the output of inxi - but I don't use webcams for anything so I've never checked.

It might also be listed in 'lshw'.

So, open your terminal and enter:

inxi -v 7


sudo lshw

And share the results. Put the results in code tags like I did with the commands, if you want to make it easier to read them.
Hmm... I think something went wrong with your attempt.
LOL Welcome to Linux!

It ain't perfect and we put up with some stuff to be able to use it.
I started using red hat back in the 90's dual booted with win 98 and have been back and forth ever since and was always able to find a solution for most issues till I was in a bad accident 8 years ago and had a brain injury. now its harder to do anything
That has to suck. So far, my faculties remain, even though I am aging more rapidly.

If you get a minute, swing over to Member Introductions (if you plan on sticking around) and tell us a bit about yourself.
Sorry to keep this older thread alive, but I figured others might also run into this issue. Have an Asus K52F, (running Xubuntu, but Mint should be similar). Have the output of a few different commands to share:

sudo inxi -v 7

  Hub: 1-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 2.0
  speed: 480 Mb/s chip ID: 1d6b:0002
  Hub: 1-1:2 info: Intel Integrated Rate Matching Hub ports: 6 rev: 2.0
  speed: 480 Mb/s chip ID: 8087:0020
  Device-1: 1-1.2:3 info: IMC Networks Integrated Webcam type: Video
  driver: uvcvideo interfaces: 2 rev: 2.0 speed: 480 Mb/s chip ID: 13d3:5130
  Hub: 2-0:1 info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 2.0
  speed: 480 Mb/s chip ID: 1d6b:0002
  Hub: 2-1:2 info: Intel Integrated Rate Matching Hub ports: 8 rev: 2.0
  speed: 480 Mb/s chip ID: 8087:0020

Here's some more detail on the camera via (it was over 400 lines, I've just cut after the first 16 lines):

sudo lsusb -v -s 1:3

Bus 001 Device 003: ID 13d3:5130 IMC Networks Integrated Webcam
Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType         1
  bcdUSB               2.00
  bDeviceClass          239 Miscellaneous Device
  bDeviceSubClass         2
  bDeviceProtocol         1 Interface Association
  bMaxPacketSize0        64
  idVendor           0x13d3 IMC Networks
  idProduct          0x5130 Integrated Webcam
  bcdDevice           12.11
  iManufacturer           2 Sonix Technology Co., Ltd.
  iProduct                1 USB 2.0 Camera
  iSerial                 0
  bNumConfigurations      1

I see there are a couple of packages that might be useful: v4l-utils and v4l2loopback-utils. Ideally, people wouldn't have to run a script to get their camera working each time, but I get that some hardware is problematic.

Here's how I got Cheese working on Xubuntu 20.04. Initially, the camera was 'flipped' in Cheese. I installed libv4l-0:

sudo apt install libv4l-0

Then I edited the .desktop file that launches Cheese. In the case of Xubuntu 20.04 this was:


In that file I commented out the line that starts with Exec and I added the following line:

Exec=sh -c 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/ cheese'

I restarted the system then launched Cheese and the web cam was flipped in the correct orientation for Cheese. Sadly, at this point you'd have to test each application. We load Zoom for some people. I haven't checked Zoom on this system yet, but it would be a similar process for Zoom. It looks like the .desktop file is just Zoom.desktop for Zoom (in the same path), and you'd have to replace cheese at the end of that Exec=sh line with zoom.

Hope this helps someone. Sorry it's not exactly for Mint, but should be similar.
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how did you replace the file with new one? it tells me i don't have permission to do anything with it :(
you may be able to rotate the picture using nautilus-image-converter

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