Using Linux at university



Hi, I'm new to Linux (used a raspberry pi a bit and have live booted most major distros) and am looking to go and study physics at either Glasgow or Edinburgh uni. For this I am looking to buy my first laptop, my current family desktop is fairly low spec, only having 3gb ram but from what my research has shown for programs like Matlab and IDEs I should be looking for 4-8gb ram
Currently I am looking at a lenovo thinkpad and to install Linux on it, my question is it there are any issues you can think of using Linux at uni, things like software comparability and os-specific programs. Or if you could share your experiences of using Linux at college/uni

My favourite district at the moment is LXLE with Fedora in second. Please don't suggest Ubuntu.


Please don't suggest Ubuntu.
I have been very happy with Lenovo Laptops and Debian Jessie! I am on my 4th or 5th one, and no problems. Make sure that you can turn off, "UEFI", and do so!

I install from the Netinstall C/D using a wired connection. You will need to add "contrib non-free" to the end of each line in the /etc/apt/sources.list, and probably install "firmware-linux-nonfree" for the WiFi. That is the only issue I really had with getting it setup. I can almost do it in my sleep now!

Good luck, and let us know how things proceed!

Wish I could join you at the Bow Bar on West Bow, in Edinburgh! I haven't been there since 2005!

Cheers & Slainte mhath!
Just started studying for my highers, they are maths, physics, computing, English, chemistry and due to bad timetabling personal development & work experience

In my Nat5 exams I got 6 As and 1 B (had a permanent sub

I am by no means definitely going to get into Glasgow, Strathclyde or Edinburgh uni but I feel I have a fair chance of getting the marks I need.

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