Visually Challenged Users Please Vote


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Apr 30, 2017
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Hi Folks, I had the following text elsewhere, and on reviewing my own performance decided it was off-topic there and more appropriate here.

Given the comments by @atanere and @poorguy on eyesight problems (which I share), I want to share an idea I have had cooking.

If you Google up "linux for the visually challenged", you will likely find, a couple of entries in, an article I wrote a little over 3 years ago at a previous Forum.

It is actually at - but I would advocate performing the search as well, as it might give you valuable leads to enhancing your visual experience in Linux.

The article has I think 7 pages, which includes a bit of "waffle", but I have intellectual property ownership over my contributions to the subject, so copyright issues do not arise if I use some of what I wrote then.

If Members think it has merit (& if not I won't be offended ;)), I can start up such a Thread here and we can examine the current State of the Nation. I just have to wrap up a couple of commitments I have to others here, and could likely start in the next 2 weeks or so.

The article includes a very useful tip or two on visibility enhancement within Browsers, which friend Paul there dubbed "The Control Plus Combo" which you may find of immediate benefit to you.

What think you, friends?




my eyesight is actually ok...(providing I wear my coca cola bottle glasses....(kidding !)....but I do notice a deterioration lately......SO I will 'tune in' here so when the time comes I will be prepared
My eyesight and everything else that's broken or in the process just stems from old age and poor lifestyle choices in my younger days.

I believe that when I do get some glasses that my eyesight will be corrected and the reason for not getting glasses now is I'm getting dentures so when my teeth are complete then off to the eye doctor I will go.

So yeah once I get eye glasses I'll have a better idea of how my eyesight is.
Tips to help the visually impaired are a great idea... or even just to help those who need a little help. I use reading glasses, but so far I haven't needed prescription eyewear. But do fonts seem to keep getting smaller, or is it just me? :eek::D

But do fonts seem to keep getting smaller, or is it just me? :eek::D

Nope it ain't just you.
I've questioned the same thing for years.

One thing I'll never figure is how anyone can use cell phone format to do PC work on as for me everything is to small and besides it's a phone and made for making calls and nothing else.
Tips to help the visually impaired are a great idea... or even just to help those who need a little help. I use reading glasses, but so far I haven't needed prescription eyewear. But do fonts seem to keep getting smaller, or is it just me? :eek::D

You're getting old ;)and as you do your eyesight changes as the muscles weaken or something - All my life I've been short sighted now I am getting long sighted - so I am great with close up things but rubbish a distance now according to my optician:eek::eek: I Just use control plus scrolling the mouse to increase or decrease the size of things
Good to see some discussion on these matters of importance to us all :)

If the person whom voted "Only In This Particular Distro (Please Specify" can just clarify what is that Distro, that would be cool?

I may not have set up the Poll to its best capability.


Have cataract in right eye and starting one in the left eye. Perhaps in 2 months, I'll have surgery for this. For now, I am near-sighted but later, far-sighted. Only 65.
You sound like as good a candidate as any, @Vihtori ... and I mean that in the nicest possible way! :)

Votes at this point are 37 Yes, 20 don't need it.

I will let the poll run to its scheduled conclusion on 13 September, but in the meantime, "the Ayes have it" significantly enough that you may find use for what I can put together, so I will start to compile material with a view to publishing by mid-September.

Keep your eyes peeled (OMG that is bad, even for a Satuday morning) :rolleyes:


A bit late wrapping up, folks, but thanks to all whom participated :). The poll is now closed.

45 - 33 for those who could use some tips. so I will be starting work by this weekend and hope to deliver soon.

Areas that I will look at covering include but are not limited to:
  • Tips on cursor size and visibility
  • Reader-friendly font types and sizes, how to adjust
  • Features in your Internet Browser/s you may not be aware of
  • Universally used enhancements typically found across most if not all Distros
  • Specific Distros that cater to the visually-impaired/challenged
  • Other
See you soon and see you better


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