What linux fit better with Alienware?



Hello everyone, i just bought a new laptop,

Alienware m17x

now of course i need to put linux on it.

is a bit hard to decide which one this time...

the first time i just download and try any distribution, than decide that linux mint 9 was the one who worked better on my old tower....

but now with this little monster i need to push linux to the maximum level!

i want to use this laptop for many things... but the main two are Games and try to host a connection, plus share it in the building where i'm living... (i live in a massive pub squatted in london)

i'm learning how to use the various backtrack for do that, so i already found a nice Linux OS, but for don't mix work with hobby...

i want to install another linux OS on the second HDD that allowed me to play games,

my question is... Which Linux more possibly got all the drivers for this laptop?

most important for the ng-Killer Wireless and the 3d monitor?

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