What's the best server distro?

I've used Debian. Love it. But for 32-bit it's a shame there isn't a version to run, so I'm installing CentOS as I type this to give it a try (recommended by a friend on campus). LinuxMint is eh-so-so as a web server, kinda slow though I've found, especially on 32 bit computers. Ubuntu is just like windows, at least that's what I thought, so I got rid of it almost as soon as I installed it.

i386 = x86 = 32-bit

amd64 = x86-64 = 64-bit


I hope this helps.

To get Linux the usage it's gaining, the desktop had to be simplified. I agree that Linux is the terminal and the commands you enter, but without the desktop, Linux would still be an OS for the geek in us. And it still can be.
I've never been a fan of any GUI unless it was just wayy to complicated to do something. Like for processing an image in GIMP or something. But if I had to process 100's or 1000's (or more) I would much sooner have a console and then a Windows or Mac machine nearby to view the test outputs as I'm programming to see if it's working right. The terminal in Windows though is just ick. Maybe someday they will find a way to have an OS look and feel and...just everything...like a Windows machine would, but also have a "friendlier" terminal, like Linux and Unix do. This could just be my ignorance of the Windows cmd line speaking though as I've never given much effort to learn it. Linux's is just a lot more friendlier anyway.

From my humble experience from sitting at Macs in the library and in the computer science building I'd say they're a nice sorta middle-ground setup, but I still SSH into my servers from there and never run it on their machines.

