which distro to download


New Member
Mar 8, 2019
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hi , i tried linux before ,coming from win7, but it didnt work quit so well.i tried mint19.1 32bit cinnamon,then i tried mint 19.1 64bit xfce,then tried mint 18.3 32bit xfce.
all of the above gave me troubles ,it downloads fine and work ok ,only problems i had i just couldn't get movies to play right on any player i tried(videos lagging and sound/vid out of sync).on win7 never had a problem.also my laptop got hotter as before when using win7.
i really liked the look and feel of linux ,but installed windows again cause of these issues.
what i'd like to find out is what distro would work on my older laptop,here are some specs:
proline model w258cu , intel atom cpu D2500 @ 1.86GHz , ram 2gig , not sure what bit it is cause i had win7 32 bit on before now i have win10 lite 64bit on ,which is slowish.
the issue with movies not playing correctly i don't think has to do with graphics card,cause it played just fine on win7.
also why is pc getting so hot on linux?
so if someone could please advise me which distro should work better for me ,i'd be thankful

thanks guys !

If you want a machine just to watch movies stay with windows
Try This :: https://itsfoss.com/4mlinux-review/

4MLinux is one such Linux distribution that requires fewer system resources and can even run on 128 MB of RAM. The desktop edition comes only for 32-bit architecture

Your PC is 32 bit.
The above will suit it down to the ground.
ok , ,update ,installed 4mlinux but didnt like it mostly cause it seems like a mission to install software
then installed linux lite 3.8 (4.whatever is 64bit only),and that works great .after some heavy tweaking of vlc player even the wife's movies plays nicely.
"only use machine to watch movies" ....lol (NOT)
anyway ,thanks for the help ,im hooked on linux :p
That's good news, @jp14 , and G'day and a belated welcome from me to linux.org :)

after some heavy tweaking of vlc player even the wife's movies plays nicely.

Now, then, is a good time to install Timeshift, if you have the capacity.

Have a read of my Tute here


... and follow the instructions that relate to installing on Debian-based Distros.

Ask any questions about it there.


Chris Turner

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