Which Linux

Hey @atanere. I had no clue about CPU whatsoever. I didn't know what that "lm" means, I just assumed it was 32 bit since it's an old PC. So I should leave Cinnamon aside and try Mate version? I want to have that 1920x1080 resolution.
A lot of older PC's had a 32-bit version of Windows even though the CPU was 64-bit. It probably saved money for the manufacturers. Another test you can make is to open a terminal and give this command:
That's LSCPU, but all lower case. Near the top of the output will show CPU Architecture, which I think will be amd_64, and below that is CPU Op Mode, which I think will show both 32-bit and 64-bit. If you're wondering, amd_64 can still be an Intel CPU.... that's not a mistake.

Since you're not yet heavily invested in your current Mint Cinnamon, I think trying some others might help. Mint MATE is a good choice to try. So is Linux Lite as suggested by @Condobloke.

Since Win XP proved your computer capable of the higher resolution, Linux should not really have too much trouble with this either.... it ought to work out of the box without a lot of extra effort. But sometimes things still can be troublesome no matter what.


I don't mind investing in, it teaches me something. I just finished installing Mint Mate 64-bit. Now going over the updates and other regulations. It still doesn't recognise my LG Monitor for some reason and resolutions that is higher than 1024x768. Going to try to create that xorg.conf.new on Mate. Let's hope it works.
I've been working on a bunch of stuff for this Thread, and I have my fingers and toes crossed, that the xorg.conf.new approach does work :)

If not, @Quassimodo hang on to the MATE, and we'll see what voodoo we can do together.

Cheers all, Wizard off to play the Aussie Spammer Hammer :rolleyes:, feed his face, veg in front of the idiot box and then retire
Thanks for your best wishes @wizardfromoz but sadly it didn't work. And I also get this error everytime I start the system.


Translates to something like this:
Registered configuration for screens(display) could not implemented. None of the chosen "clips"(?) were not compatible with the clips that is possible(or doable).
Clips are tried(tested) for CRTC 63
CRTC 63: 1024x768@60hz clip tried(tested) to 1920x1080@60hz value via output (geçiş 0)
They all same just the "geçiş" is change from 0 to 1 means like transition or passing. Then it tests for CRTC 64.
Sounds like a good idea to "dial back" to where you were, for starters, unless you wish to do a clean install?

If you wish to get back to the 1024 x 768 status, you just need your install USB stick/DVD (which is it?).

I'll give a brief insight into why I suspected alternative methods might not work, in case I get run over by a Mack truck (hopefully, not!) in case others wish to pursue.

From the outputs previously supplied (thanks) by the OP (Original Poster, that's you @Quassimodo ), in part

From inxi

Graphics: Card: Intel 82Q963/Q965 Integrated Graphics Controller
bus-ID: 00:02.0
Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.6 )
drivers: modesetting (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
Resolution: [email protected]
OpenGL: renderer: Mesa DRI Intel 965Q x86/MMX/SSE2
version: 2.1 Mesa 18.0.5 Direct Render: Yes

and from xrandr

VGA-1 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
1024x768 60.00
800x600 60.32 56.25
848x480 60.00
640x480 59.94
1920x1080_60.00 59.96*
1600x900_60.00 59.95
1368x768_60.00 59.88

... the OP already has/had his settings at the desired 1920 x 1080 - for some reason, these are not being reproduced/generated in his installed environment, perhaps something to do with his LG monitor, albeit it works with Windows.

Quassimodo, if you want to get rid of that xorg.conf file, and can't see your way to delete it from its current environment, you can reboot the computer with the install medium in place.

Then from the "LIve" environment, we will open your File Manager (called Caja under MATE).

On the left-hand pane will be a refence to your installation, perhaps with a long number (UUID), go into that and find /etc and click it, don't go further. Exit Caja.

Go to Terminal, enter

sudo caja

Unlike the installed situation, you will not need to enter a password, but you have to use sudo. Caja will launch.

In Caja, find you installed environment and go to /etc and click.

From there double click into X11. Find the file xorg.conf and delete it.

Exit out of Caja, reboot the computer, removing the install medium, and you shoudl get back into a viewable LM MATE.

We can then take a further look at what is not working.


BTW - Turkish or Kurdish? No offence I am interested in languages, and speak Japanese, Indonesian, Malay, and Beijing Dialect Chinese.
Hey @wizardfromoz I fixed the error and resolution issue. Found a friend who uses linux mint and helped me for that. I lost the code to fix the error but I'll try to find it.
Edit: I found the code to fix the error issue when starting the pc. Type this command on terminal:
rm -f ~/.config/monitors.xml
I'll write the steps I followed to fix the resolution issue. First open terminal and type this: ( I use 1920 1080 resolution, you can change whatever you want (1600x900, etc.))
cvt 1920 1080
This will bring some information, in my case it is like this:
# 1920x1080 59.96 Hz (CVT 2.07M9) hsync: 67.16 kHz; pclk: 173.00 MHz
Modeline "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync
Now type this code on terminal:
sudo xed /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/lightdm-res
New windows will open. You will type the values you get from cvt 1920 1080. Write these on the new window.(VGA-1 is my input name, sometimes it's VGA0)
xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode VGA-1 "1920x1080_60.00"
xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode "1920x1080_60.00"
Save it and type this code
sudo chmod +x /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/lightdm-res
then type this on terminal
sudo xed /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-linuxmint.conf
it's gonna open the window above but with a new tab, type the code below on that tab
Save and exit. Reset your pc and it should fix the resolution.

@wizardfromoz It's Turkish. I actually interested in learning Chinese if I get the motivation.
Last edited:
Glad that you have found a solution/workaround for your display. This seems to be quite a strange case (to me) because there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary about your hardware, and I would have expected a much simpler fix.

... the OP already has/had his settings at the desired 1920 x 1080 - for some reason, these are not being reproduced/generated in his installed environment, perhaps something to do with his LG monitor, albeit it works with Windows.
Wizard seems to be curious about possible settings in the monitor itself that may cause or contribute to the problem, and I'm wondering about that too. I'm also wondering if perhaps a BIOS setting might also be responsible. And also wondering about the unused DVI card you mentioned in the beginning... whether it's presence on your system might contribute, and whether removing this card, or else getting the proper cable and actually using this card with your LG monitor might have also provided some help. Just thinking out loud... no need to pursue these things unless you just want to investigate for your own benefit.

What matters most is that you have the desired display resolution! :D

Thank you @atanere . I have no clue why it happened whatsoever, after all I've been using Linux for like 4-5 days. What I can tell is that I don't think the DVI card causes the issue, cuz I took it off and nothing changed. DVI card is: Dell Dvi Sil 1364a add2-n Card, that's what it's written on it. I've never used it before and I don't have dvi cable to try it out. And I'm not sure whether I should use it or not. I also think about improving my PC adding some ram (it goes up to 8gb) and maybe GPU. But I've checked the power supply it has no extra cable to plug it in to a GPU, I don't know whether I can install a low profile GPU or not.

Wizard migh be right about monitor. Because When I first install Mint on USB and tried it on my laptop, it recognised all resolutions + my AOC monitor along with its model number. But on my Dell PC it never recognised LG. Windows XP recognises LG and it's model but Linux Mint.I will try to plug LG to my laptop while I use Mint on USB, and see whether it recognise it or not. An improvement occured after fixing the resolution issue though. When I start my PC, monitor started to shows this: "Custom mode" "Smart energy saving is active" I think it's something right?

So far everything is fine with Mate (version?). It's not slow, and it doesn't create any problems, at least till now.
That is wonderful news, Quassimodo :):) - treasure that friend!

Let us know how that experiment of plugging the LG to the lappie goes, eh?

With your indulgence, and for the benefit of The Viewers, I have the following:

On linked article method


My test unit for this was a new Dell Inspiron i7, with UEFI/GPT, running Linux Mint 19 ‘Tara’ MATE DE, with default resolution set at the 1920 x 1080 the OP was seeking to establish.

1. First step is to create modeline. This is done to get appropriate values of hsync, vsync and other parameters which are required to display a resolution properly in the backend. To add resolution of 1600x900, open terminal and type:

cvt 1600 900

This will create modeline for resolution of 1600x900 which will look something like this:

1600x900 59.95 Hz (CVT 1.44M9) hsync: 55.99 kHz; pclk: 118.25 MHz

Modeline "1600x900_60.00" 118.25 1600 1696 1856 2112 900 903 908 934 -hsync +vsync

These numbers may vary according to your monitor.

This step worked perfectly for me, right down to the figures.

2. To add this resolution to monitor settings, type the following highlighted commands one by one:

xrandr --newmode "1600x900_60.00" 118.25 1600 1696 1856 2112 900 903 908 934 -hsync +vsync

(values after xrandr --newmode to be pasted from second line of generated values with cvt command from your own computer, don't copy from here. In other words, after writing xrandr --newmode in terminal, copy the output of cvt command from its second line excluding word Modeline upto its end and paste it after xrandr --addmode. )

xrandr --addmode VGA1 "1600x900_60.00"

After these steps, resolution of 1600x900 will appear under the list of various resolutions available in display settings. This will remain listed for one session only. When computer is restarted, this will disappear. To make it appear permanently, we need to configure xorg.conf file and make this entry manually.

First command worked fine.

For the 2nd part, I determined my own display name by using

xrandr --listmonitors

# that’s a double dash.

My output was

Monitors: 1

0: +*eDP-1 1920/381x1080/214+0+0 eDP-1

… so I substituted eDP-1 for VGA1. The OP, likewise, learned that his correct reference was VGA-1.

This, in turn, worked fine.

At this point, with the new resolution in my Display Settings, I was able to switch to 1600 x 900.

BUT (Wizard always has a but) – the changes did stick, beyond a reboot, and are still there today. So there was no need for me to go through hoops with xorg.conf.new, xorg.conf, &c.

That being said, for those of The Viewers whom do need to go into further steps from the article, you would first of all want to establish whether you actually have an xorg.conf file.

locate xorg.conf

My output is as follows










This file simply contains

Section "Device"

Identifier "Intel"

Driver "intel"

# Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"

I have not followed through to see whether this is of use in the method described. Yet, lol.

There is a further need to establish your Display Manager.

Currently, in Linux, there are only three (3) active -

This from Wikipedia

MDM which was the Mint Display Manager, is now inactive.

There is also XDM (xdm) which is quite literally that provided by our friends from X.org. It also can be found with those Distros using the Xfce DE (Desktop Environment).

To find your Display Manager being used varies from Linux Family to Family/ sub-Family.

Open your File Manager and look for the following:

Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint &c


My content from this source is as follows


... so I have LightDM.

I have only dealt with Debian-based, above, but if you are using Fedora &c, OpenSUSE &c, Arch &c, just start a new Thread and I will swing by if you need.


When I run Linux Mint on my laptop via USB boot and it recognised LG monitor plugged via HDMI cable. So I guess it's not the LG either :). Well at this point I'll just enjoy fixing the issue.
Well at this point I'll just enjoy fixing the issue.
Yes, first and foremost... enjoy your Linux!

When I run Linux Mint on my laptop via USB boot and it recognised LG monitor plugged via HDMI cable. So I guess it's not the LG either :).
But I'll just chatter out loud again and you can ignore all of this... no need to try to chase down any further unless you just want to play and experiment. But your test was not quite apples-for-apples because you switched cable types. I'd be more convinced if you connected to your laptop with a VGA cable (BIOS settings might still have made a difference too, but probably less likely). So again, if you had connected back to the original Dell with a DVI cable, it might have worked also, just as HDMI did on the laptop.

The good thing is that you have the solution/workaround for the VGA cable in case you need it again in the future. And you know that an HDMI connection doesn't need the same solution. I just wish that we had found a simpler solution for the VGA too. I do think that a simpler solution probably exists.

But your test was not quite apples-for-apples because you switched cable types. I'd be more convinced if you connected to your laptop with a VGA cable (BIOS settings might still have made a difference too, but probably less likely). So again, if you had connected back to the original Dell with a DVI cable, it might have worked also, just as HDMI did on the laptop.
Yes, you're right. I didn't think it through before I did it.

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