Your First Computer

You've got me hands down on that one, Paul. :)

Mine was an 80286 (286-AT) with a 40MB HDD, 1MB RAM, 12MHz refresh on the clock.

2 floppy drive bays, one for 3.5 inch, the other for 5.25 inch. Now those were floppies!

Windows 3.1 was the OS

I can hardly remember those times , the windows 3.1 was a thing but 70% I had use the dos version , I m not sure if this was dos but it had a cmd line and a blue screen no mouse , when I was a little kid thats how I managed to open games .

And I remember the magical "speed" button on my PC , my computer had like 16MHz after you pushed the button it changed to 32 MHz you even had a little "monitor" for the speed on the computer .

1981 or 82 I guess. I bought a Commodore 64. It had all the goodies, and Brother in Law was in the software business! He gave me all kinds of game modules and software for the 64. I had no idea what I was doing with the software. One was a spreadsheet. The games were no better than the Atari console we had back then. I lost interest real quick. Little did I know that my company was going to computerize 5 years later! :eek:
Yeah, I remember pouring through the pages of The Computer Shopper looking for bargains It was about 2.5 inches thick back then, and loaded with adds. I saw the first 386sx system below $1,000.00 back then. It was from a company called Lucky Computers, in Lubbuck Texas. 5.25 & 3.5 HD drives, 1MB of ram, Super VGA video board, and a 14 inch SVGA monitor (Beauty, eh?). The mother boards back then did not have the I/O and IDE /floppy ports built into them, so it included a board for that too. I also remember seeing the first 1GB drive from Seagate. It was $1,000.00 ($1.00 / Megabyteo_O). They seem to be a weeeee bit less expensive these days, don't ya know!:D
My first computer was a second hand Pentium IV 2.0 GHz with 2GB RAM and GF 6200. But it didn't last long because it was killed by a lightning about a year after I got it.
I bought a brand new Tandy 1000 from RadioShack with one floppy drive and no hard drive, but I bought a third-party RAM board to boost it to the full 640K, an outrageous amount of RAM in '86.

With so much memory, I used some of it as a RAM drive. So I would boot it up and then copy the compiler to the RAM drive. Then I could edit and compile without swapping floppies!

I couldn't afford a hard drive (20M) for a couple years, but my 1200 bps modem opened the door to the college computer and to the wonderful world of bulletin boards.
