New profile posts

I am here because windows pooed all over eveything. Now almost every bit of software I used has jumped off the bridge from Unity to Adobe and even Zbrush got sold off to Maxton. everything is shitting itself.

I need a drink of somthing very very strong.
There are several FOSS AI options out there; but it's seemingly uncommon knowledge; so for those with the hardware, consider starting here.

Back End: Ollama
Front End: OpenWebUI

Personally I started with and still generally use Mixtral through ollama.

ollama pull mixtral

Anyone else having trouble with the latest Ubuntu Installer? Awfully wonky at the moment.
I'm having issues installing Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on my pc. I even bought a new flash drive and still gives me errors. I had no problem with 22.04 installation in the past.
Same here sort of. Tried to install an Ubuntu based distro (24.04 LTS indeed). Failed after numerous attempts. VM, full install, USB install nothing worked. The installer just kept collapsing. Did manage install Ubuntu Mate after hours of wasted time. Trick was to NOT update the installer when prompted during install and just go ahead with the process.
I det store hele er jeg godt tilfreds med at jeg har opdaget/begyndt at bruge linux/ Ubuntu, der er ikke hændt mig noget bedre indefor Computer livet, jeg har fundet ud af mangt og meget men ikke kode riet og brugen af terminalen, men kommer tid kommer der sikkert et godt råd ! Tak til jer alle for et sobert miljø.
Please remove your email address as a user attracts spammers. I sent you a message to this effect yesterday.