Puppy linux boot password problem



recently i have try to install puppy linux.
When i boot the pc, with the cd, always ask me a password...
" Can't mount file, press Enter key to try again,
Or any other char then BETTER for F.S. check thern try again. Or, for developers type 'qwuit' to drop to console"

how i can resolve it?
Or may, can i format the hard disk? but how?

In this pc is just installed a linux.

Is your PC using secure boot??. Normally Puppy doesn't ask for passwords???

Or do you have a bios password set.

Just a friendly reminder to new posters with problems a description of the machine what processor is model number etc it helps us to identify problems easier.

Is your PC using secure boot??. Normally Puppy doesn't ask for passwords???

Or do you have a bios password set.

Just a friendly reminder to new posters with problems a description of the machine what processor is model number etc it helps us to identify problems easier.


The computer is an old Evo n400c, pentium 3 850 256 ram.
My pc don't use any secure boot or any bios password.

When i run normally the pc without any Cd inside, it load the old linux.
Now, when i load the pc with the puppy linux it ask me a password. After to try to install this puppy linux it as me this password.

I do not know why. i am a new linux user. How i can solve it? May i have to install again puppy linux?
And can i install it booting before the old linux and then the puppy?
To be honest I'm stumped because normally when Puppy installs it never asks for passwords.

I wonder if the image you burned to cd is faulty. I would try a reninstall
Try to remember what you did exactly in system. There is no smoke without a fire.
If you can't remember and you haven't important files in Puppy, just reinstall it.
If you have important files - maybe try to mount your HDD from another system? Will it work, guys? Of course if your system is not encrypted.
Good Luck!
I was installing Pupp linux for thre first time, and it requests a user name and password before I set them. Then, it refuses everything. Puppy Linux is useless.
I was installing Pupp linux for thre first time, and it requests a user name and password before I set them. Then, it refuses everything. Puppy Linux is useless.
You should be careful what you say.
Words are very powerful. I'm sure @KGIII and @wizardfromoz would agree.

Puppy Linux is great especially for older machine with little RAM.
The computer is an old Evo n400c, pentium 3 850 256 ram.
My pc don't use any secure boot or any bios password.

When i run normally the pc without any Cd inside, it load the old linux.
Now, when i load the pc with the puppy linux it ask me a password. After to try to install this puppy linux it as me this password.

I do not know why. i am a new linux user. How i can solve it? May i have to install again puppy linux?
And can i install it booting before the old linux and then the puppy?
Do you already have another version of Puppy installed on your Evo?

IF so you might have to go into the BIOS and tell your machine to boot to the CD/DVD instead of the HDD. In the BIOS look under the boot section.
Puppy Linux root password is woofwoof.
The root password might be different for each version of Puppy but I could be wrong.
Try woofwoof and see if that helps.

What version of Puppy on your CD are you running and did you download Puppy from here?

Also did you check the integrity of the .iso file?
I can handle this if you like, Alex :)

Some may not have noticed that, prior to the somewhat negative input of new Member @hanyo007 , there had been no input to this Thread in five and a half years.

There was a major software restructure of the site around 23 April 2017 (4 years ago), whereby all previous Members had to rejoin again.

The giveaway here, apart from the date on the Posts, is that Members are referred to as Guests. That means they were Members prior to the restructure.

So anyone addressing issues with Puppy here, for or against, is really talking with themselves - the original participants have likely long since moved on (with the exception of Darren).

@hanyo007 if you feel Puppy Linux is useless, that is your opinion - choose another Linux and move on.

Please do not vent your spleen similarly in other parts of the Forum, and you may be welcome.

Chris Turner
Puppy Linux is useless.
From what I remember Puppy Linux is not the most beginner friendly distribution. Just because you don't understand how something works or how something is done doesn't make it useless. I don't know how to drive a car but I can even see why a car can be useful even though I don't know how to drive.
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FWIW I installed Puppy Linux Bionic Pup 64 (Ubuntu Bionic) on a friends Toshiba laptop and it ran fine.
The DVD also worked great until the installation was performed.

I had a little trouble understanding how to get the Puppy Package Manager to update the system but other than that Puppy ran just fine.-:)

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