Account Got Deleted


New Member
Oct 21, 2022
Reaction score
I created an account today and posted a question with a networking issue I had. When I wanted to check back a few hours later not only my post was gone but my account was deleted. Why would my account be deleted? I didn't post anything inappropriate but just a Linux/CentOS question.

Welcome to, muhu !!!!

It is not always as dramatic as this....usually very calm and well organised .
It is not always as dramatic as this....usually very calm and well organised .

Right? We have one really bad day in thousands of days and those that it impacted will think we're always like this!

Thing's'll settle down...

I hope...
Hello @muhu,
Welcome to the Forums. Good to have you here.
Welcome to the forums
Thing's'll settle down...

I hope...
Well, that Scene from the movie Dark Knight came to mind when the joker went to speak to Harvey Dent.
Well, that Scene from the movie Dark Knight came to mind when the joker went to speak to Harvey Dent.

LOL Well, we are down to 99.2% uptime. But, eventually that too will likely reach an equilibrium. It's still early days, as I figured I should also reset that during The Great Reset. The good news is that we shouldn't need a Great Reset again any time soon. Steps have been taken to prevent that.
Steps have been taken to prevent that.
I like reading news like that.;....not exactly a warm, fuzzy feel.......but close enough

I gather the new security check is the preventive technique.
I gather the new security check is the preventive technique.

As much as I want to, I'm gonna decline sharing details.

LOL PM Wiz! He'll fill you in!

As near as we can tell, your data is safe. Fortunately (?) the masked bandit was far more interested in entertaining themselves. Even their 'pay me with some crypo' was half-hearted.

They just wanted to have an impact, put people in check, and have some 'fun'. Had they been financially motivated, we'd have not heard about the hack for a long time. They'd have stayed dormant for however long they needed to have some leverage.

From what I understand, even our email addresses were safe - thanks to a broken system! If they'd been able to scrape the database (which their access did not allow) then they'd be able to do things like perform a rainbow attack to recover passwords.

Again, that did not happen. Odds are that it will happen on another site, so be sure to use a unique password for every site - and not some sort of 'password system' you created in your head. That's just silly.

If I find your password for this site is Linux1967$n, I'm gonna try to access your gmail with Google1967$n.

I'm gonna drink more wine.
If I find your password for this site is Linux1967$n, I'm gonna try to access your gmail with Google1967$n.
good luck with that......not gonna happen !....I got my passwords from Linux tips.....(pwgen -snycB1 21 6)

All of that is good news....obviously quite a bit of thought went in to the decision etc

That is what it takes.
I got my passwords from Linux tips.....(pwgen -snycB1 21 6)

I use that to create all sorts of password - even when my browser tries recommending passwords.

I get it, I know why Chrome recommends passwords. I just can't bring myself to use passwords that were suggested by my browser. I'm sure they're fine, but it seems kinda like buying a suit based on the suggestions of a blind person.

So, I generate my own passwords.

Now if only I'd stop signing up for everything...
Signing up for everything isn't the problem. You should do it using disposable email addresses... and NOT use chrome-based browsers.
Also two overlapping privacy and ad-blocking extensions help... along with some common sense!
Off topic, Beef.... but funny

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