Legacy OS


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2019
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I tried this on an old system this morning on an old Athlon 64 system with spindle type HDD drive. ( a whopping 40GB)
4GB of RAM. This system has a floppy drive and a CD-ROM drive, but no USB. The video output is VGA only. GeForce2 MX card.
The Network card is 10/100MB.

I actually have an older 486 system that might boot up, ( I haven't tried in a few years ) but this distro is 64 bit. So I can't
use that system. For some reason, when I think of Legacy systems, I think of 32-bit. But I guess 64-bit desktop computing
is almost 25 years old. ( Why does that make me feel even older )

Apparently it's based on PuppyOS? But it looks like antiX to me. It's not bad. It has a very limited package list.
(I think Ubuntu/Mint/Fedora users don't know how spoiled they are! :) ) I'm even able to browse the internet.
Everything is sloooww.. Probably not because of the OS, but because of old hardware. I don't know that I'm ready to give
up my modern hardware, but it was fun firing up the old hardware.

It feels little like driving a 1933 Plymouth around. It'll get you there, ... eventually... and without A/C, cruise control
and power windows.

I tried this on an old system this morning on an old Athlon 64 system with spindle type HDD drive. ( a whopping 40GB)
4GB of RAM. This system has a floppy drive and a CD-ROM drive, but no USB. The video output is VGA only. GeForce2 MX card.
The Network card is 10/100MB.

I actually have an older 486 system that might boot up, ( I haven't tried in a few years ) but this distro is 64 bit. So I can't
use that system. For some reason, when I think of Legacy systems, I think of 32-bit. But I guess 64-bit desktop computing
is almost 25 years old. ( Why does that make me feel even older )

Apparently it's based on PuppyOS? But it looks like antiX to me. It's not bad. It has a very limited package list.
(I think Ubuntu/Mint/Fedora users don't know how spoiled they are! :) ) I'm even able to browse the internet.
Everything is sloooww.. Probably not because of the OS, but because of old hardware. I don't know that I'm ready to give
up my modern hardware, but it was fun firing up the old hardware.

It feels little like driving a 1933 Plymouth around. It'll get you there, ... eventually... and without A/C, cruise control
and power windows.
This would be why it looks like antiX "After a 6 year hiatus LegacyOS is back! Now based on antiX"
if its an Athlon 64 or an Athlon x2 then it will run any Linux you like [albeit slow on the bulkier builds], I would go for peppermint, MX, Mint LMDE, or Debian with driver pack, I doubt it is USB bootable [mine wasn't]
I looked at this (LegacyOS) seems to me at 3.2GBs it has some bloat to it
dos2unix wrote:
This system has a floppy drive and a CD-ROM drive, but no USB.
It may be possible to fit a 'PCI USB' expansion card if you have an internal PCI socket free, and be able to use usbs, but not likely for booting as Brickwizard mentioned.

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